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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. Day 5 is done. Those are acorns in case they are not very clear in the reduced size. Never use them to feed critters, but used 'em here! Photo taken not that long ago. Crazy weather lately.
  2. If handsome Poncho is in the layout it just makes me smile! And this one is too precious!
  3. It will get easier with help from here and all the tutorials and labs. It's a massive program to master! I wanted to give up many times, but it's worth sticking around. :-)) And, for the first attempt, you've done such a great job! More than I could do when I got started.
  4. I have fallen a bit behind, so here is Day 4. I am SO grateful to have the templates provided to save some time. Thank you Carole. The photos are all from UnSplash, and the rest is likely all from Digital Scrapbooking. Not very spring-like here yet, so I think the poor robins must be hungry and chilly, and they've been around for a while now.
  5. I wanted to make something for this challenge. But I couldn't think of ONE song with Spring in the title, so of course I googled for one. I chose this one by the King of whom I was not particularly a fan back then, but really love his voice now. I just wanted to "mess around" with it, and that's what turned out.
  6. Your l/o has many elements, but it's not too busy. They all work together well. And how nice of your brother to get you your first camera.
  7. So impressed with your use of elements/papers etc from your own kit!
  8. I was so ready for Day 3. And Carole gave us a template to work with! So, how hard was it going to be? Well, let me say...I spent way too much *@^$# time on this project! The text tool has a mind of its own (which is what I thought before I started this series). When I clicked on the Text Tool and tried to change the size, the colours would change. So, then I'd click on the Materials Palette boxes to change the colour, and the text size would revert. Or I'd click on the Font colour button on the text toolbar, and nothing would happen. And this went on and on until I was ready to do damage to the laptop! Sigh. So here is my Day 3 with wrapped text. I'm so over it. (I used an old photo b/c I happened to have it for some work I was doing on a history article.) And then, I wanted to go back to change a couple of things, and I saved the .pspimage merged. Not my day. EDIT: I just couldn't walk away from the project. I had to try again. I started with the template and same image, and worked it through. I still had a few glitches with the text tool, but not nearly as many as the first attempt. Now, I AM DONE with this!
  9. Yikes. I jumped when I scrolled to this one!
  10. Another kit designer shows her stuff! Nice.
  11. Lesson 2 Text. Having fun with this stuff.
  12. How nice that you used your own creations from the Build A Kit! You're a full-fledged kit designer.
  13. Looking at the cookie text makes me hungry! Nice effect.
  14. I decided to post right away before I see the wonderful work that others will produce. The layout here is simple, but it's a photo that always makes me smile. I had to work on the outlined & filled text a couple of times before I got it to cooperate. Those layers mess me up sometimes....which one I AM on vs. which one I SHOULD be on! The font is Titan One, and it's nice and thick for this purpose. I'd never used the Effects>Texture>Sculpture and was happy to try it. Nice effect.
  15. Ann, Thanks for pointing out the freebie. Lately I was looking for something like that, with circles for pix. Yours is lovely.
  16. I sort of faded out of the Build-a-Kit due to some other deadlines, but I have kept watch on what the others have been producing, and it's amazing and delightful to see. Well done all of you! I developed a strong new-found respect for the designers out there who produce kits on a regular basis. What a labour of love it must be. I'm in for the Texting Again. What a big group that will be. I hope I can master that darn text tool that runs me in circles sometimes.
  17. Wow! a birthday wish with Poncho. Love it! Did you add that rose in his mouth? That's a nice touch. Thanks Poncho!
  18. Thanks for CD suggestion. Checking it out.
  19. Oh, those little paws sticking out! Purr-fect!
  20. March...I didn't spend much time on the Build-a-Kit project. It would have required a lot of time in watching videos to figure out how to make some of the components, and I just couldn't spend the time lately. But March 17 is a day I can't ignore....no, no Irish in my genes...it's my birthday. And I like to make a Facebook greeting for the day just for the few friends I have on there. Nothing in this layout is mine. It's all from somewhere....Digital Scrapbook (frame), elements (from ?), and photo of the Emerald Isle from Unsplash. But I had fun playing with it and it didn't eat up a lot of time.
  21. OK, thanks. But even if I use them for papers or something else, do the squares need to be changed to masks?
  22. In Lab 9 - Module 3 (which I have seen a few times), there are steps for creating a multi-photo template. I can do that. But, after it's created, what are next steps? Convert to masks? Save in what format? Then use Open as New Layer and Clip To It? I just can't get my head around this and do it easily for some reason....block! Screenshot is from end of Lab video showing the sample Carole created.
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