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Corrie Kinkel

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Everything posted by Corrie Kinkel

  1. Thank you and I can try 😉 but I think he won't come.............🥲
  2. Week 35 is all about the renovation of our (indoor) stairs. We had to remove the old carpet parts and because there was glue on the steps, it was a bit of a problem to get up- or downstairs. We were told it wasn't necessary to remove all of the glue. The guy who came to install the new stairs is a master craftsman and did an awesome job. He came with a small van that was a complete workshop when he opened the doors. Except coffee he didn't want anything else and the stairs were finished in 2 days. We were lucky with the weather though, dry and not too hot; the frontdoor had to stay open and he could do most of the dirty work outside. Of course today we had to do some cleaning, sawdust turned up in the most unexpected places. Now everything is tidy and back where it belongs, and we are a bit tired but very happy how it all turned out.
  3. Nice use of that sketch! The photos are the star of the layout.
  4. And that is another great idea! I saved that path I finally got, but not as a preset shape! I'll do so tomorrow, now it is almost bedtime after 2 exhausting days. 🥱💤
  5. We used to do a lot of DIY in our younger days but my husband is no longer up for it. He does only some small repairs if necessary. The last 2 days we have had the stairs (indoors) renovated and a couple of weeks ago some small parts of the old stairs had to get a lick of paint before the work would start. Very reluctantly he did so and with a lot a pauses, but it was way to little to get someone to do it. And he wouldn't let me do it either. The new stairs turned out very nice, we are happy with it. Tomorrow I'll take some photos, now it is too dark to do so.
  6. Donna if it is of some consolation to you. my first attempt wasn't looking anything better! Drawing by hand is not for me and your solution to use a nice knot and trace the parts with the pen tool is a good idea. Something to follow because it really looks nice
  7. Jnet you have done a lot of work and have almost cached up in one go. Nice hand drawn shadows!
  8. My take on the sketch. I didn't do an exact replica of that sketch but kept enough of it to make it recognizable. I used the mask from the mask workshop 2-extra because it is square in a way. The background is made with 2 papers and a blendmode/opacity until I got something I liked + some ink splatters. Edge punch from Carole. Font is Christmas Mother and arial for the text. Made a little cluster with different shadows as in the shadow workshop and the elements come from my stash with the flower from Marisa Lerin and the ribbon is made with the curly ribbon script by Carole, Oh and I took the colors from my photo.
  9. Michele I do more or less the same but not so methodical as you do, a bit more haphazard depending on having time available.
  10. V = Vacation, especially with (young)kids can be an adventure too!
  11. Mary have a nice trip with your daughter and maybe there will be photos of it in some project to come as well. See you when you are back!
  12. @Cassel Carole I have a question about Lesson 3 - the lifted corners of a photo or other element. The TUT/TECH challenge of July 2024 was also about a lifted corner and there you directed us to the blogpost with an explanation of that technique and it had no mention of feathering the corner which you had in this lesson. Now I'm confused: why not in the blogpost? I admit with feathering it looks nicer. In Sue's comment on my assignment in the workshop she was surprised I didn't know about the feathering so I thought it was my mistake or that I missed something. It bothered me and therefore I checked the blogpost. Maybe somebody else noticed this as well and otherwise I'm just a pain in the ass😉
  13. I had 14 out of 15 and like Julian I didn't get #15 right.
  14. Julian I had the same problem with that answer and I didn't quite understood that question.
  15. Lesson 7 In the first place I flipped both of the pins because I want my shadow coming from the top left and the pins haven't. For the right pin I went with all the settings as in the lesson. I made the second pin somewhat shorter and at a different angle, Therefore the shadow could be a tiny bit darker because it was nearer to the background. I was wondering what else I could use to make a different cast shadow. I have other pins but they are only different in color or what is on top. When I was browsing through my stash I found balloons and was wondering if I could make it work this way too. The size of the balloon and the washitape on the string is not in proportion to the other elements on this background, but for this trial I don't mind.
  16. Very nice and before I'm going to do something else I'll have a cup of coffee!
  17. Michele I agree and I also draw from top to bottom, maybe it has something to do with working with a mouse and/or being righthanded. It goes more fluently that way.
  18. Jeni these lessons let you look critically to your own work (or that of others) as well and help you understanding better!
  19. Yes it did, I'm good with logic!
  20. For me this is logical and therefore not very complicated. No problems with unsteady hands here! I only had to keep my focus on the layers and found the trick in the video to hide the shadowed layers temporarily useful. I have no layered clusters in my stash so I made one just a simple one from elements I have. I find it easier to make a cluster when I'm working on a project and I'll will pay more attention to the shadowing on them if needed.
  21. You found layered clusters, very nice I'll have a look there because I have a couple of clusters that are in a kit but they aren't layered so I only can shadow on the outside.
  22. You made me laugh with your comment, but you did it nevertheless, nice font btw!
  23. Rene I like your cluster but I hope you don't mind me saying so, but to my eye some of the shadows you used are not coherent with the light coming from the top left. For instance the big red bauble has a shadow on its left side where the light is coming from as well as some parts of the white ribbon and the greenery.
  24. I didn't have to think long which photo would be my photo of this week. This is an extremely lucky shot which I took last Sunday when I was staying with our son and daughter in law. It was taken during a walk in our National Park "Hoge Veluwe" where the heath is in bloom at the moment. I didn't even realize there was a bee in this much bigger photo, only at home when I looked at my photos of the weekend on the PC I noticed it. I was taking a photo of a nice clump of blue harebells (grasklokje) and found a little bee too.
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