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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. Carole, I am not sure if you are referring to Day 1 or day 2 backgrounds, but they both were papers from my collection. I did have quite a play around to choose the backgrounds, it is a bit different when you have black and whites. I thought I would use the bootcamp to start my No 2  daughters scrapbook. Just trying to get the old black and whites presentable is quite a mission on its own. You know we didn't take as many photos in the day and the quality left a lot to be desired.
  2. Hi here is my day 2, my daughters baptism day.


    I usually and like to work in psp 2020but have had to compromise this time. I have lost the row with the working options on it and for the love of my it just doesn't want to return. If anyone else has this problem and can help, it is the row that has the icons to, open page, save as, undo, etc.  It is very annoying. Usually I can fix it but I have tried all I can think of and it is not budging.

  3. Hi Kim, Carole has just informed me that you are looking for another Kiwi, well here I am from Alexandra in the beautiful Central Otago region.  Nice to meet you, we are a pretty friendly bunch here. Where in this wonderful land of ours  do you live.
  4. Hello all. I have registered and enjoy all Carole's challenges.  As usual I haven't sorted my photos, until I know what the theme of the challenge will be, but I think I will theme the months by using photos of of family who have birthdays for the month I am working.  Maybe garden and pets on the off months, not that there will be many blank months. My issue is that I may not be able to keep up as last month I took on a big challenge of making a 24 page scrapbook of my elder daughter for her 60th birthday next month.  I am on page 18, what a massive job.



  5. My challenge for september "TREES" I have featured the image taken on the 1st day of spring in New Zealand, as we were greeted with such a cold day and quite heavy snow showing on the mountain range, and surrounding areas. There was no snow  on our ground.  The trees are in full blossom, I hope the fruit hasn't been damaged.  The other images I have taken around town and on my travels.
  6. My day 7.  Thank you Carole for an interesting story time challenge.  I am a bit embarrassed to say, but I didn't realize there was a template for each day until I was a few days from the end, I didn't notice the arrow as it toned in with the video cover pattern, so I say thanks for the templates too.


    I think you will be right about the insert button, next to the delete which I use quite often when editing text, and I do recall hitting it o couple of times by mistake, I would not have thought of  that.  I have had no issues with the text over the last 2 designs.


    We are always learning.



  7. Fear is my day 6.


    Carole, I have no idea where I was going wrong with my text in the 2 previous projects and I am not sure what you meant by the insert key activated, I know that to get my big wide paragraphs back on track I would go to the kerning box and just press customise and it would all move back into order, it was quite a strange one, but very distressing. In this project for the journaling I did it with the selection text and it worked perfect.

  8. My story day 5 FOOD


    I know there are a couple of spelling errors, but I had so many issues with the text. First I was going to use the selection tool for my text, but each time if  I went to correct text the sentences would separate into sections with big gaps.


    Also when I highlighted words for correction   the letter in question  would disappear so I would be inserting  a new letter,  losing a letter and I would end up having to keep replacing a letter that kept disappearing for  the entire sentence. Also a word would separate and I would end up with one letter on a line and the rest of the word on another line. Well this lasted about 4 hours from 4pm until 8 pm by the clock until I decided to change my plan and not use the selection tool for the text and this is how I have left it.


    Sometimes one just wants to stop while the going is almost there, then it won't get worse. I wonder if others have the same issues. or psp is just punishing me.

  9. Thanks for your mention of my frames  Carole. I made the selection for the text on both occasions, I didn't expect the border frame to hang in so close on the left side of the selections, but that is how it turned out. I wasn't happy with  what happened but I didn't know what action to take. All the words were in view. Note I have left the border frame off this day 4 project.
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