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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. Thanks for your remarks on my project.  Uploaded again with corrections and complete shadowing, I think as I went up the layers I didn't catch the hidden layers on the layers palette. These flowers were photographed  from a visit to Western Australia as listed in my original.  Not mine.
  2. Hi Royanne, Here I am at last, it took me some deep thought to think of a theme as I didn't want to take anything away from the beauty of your garden and I see you are there busy as a wee bee fighting the weeds. Because I didn't have a cleugh where to start, I decided to have a go at blending backgrounds and I was quite tickled with the result, so I had a starting place. I am a keen gardener too so I can see this id a big part of you. We are at the end of our gardening season here in New Zealand and winter is on it's way.
  3. Thanks Royanne that's awesome and I see I worked out the timeframe pretty good. Quite dark to read but great information, also very authentic as you say, and the photo is so beautifully highlighted. The goods train used to pass by  our back section about 12.30 am every night and for a certain time in my life I was always awake using my nebuliser for my asthma so I thought back to that time.  I am late with yours because I have had issues with ny psp.  Problem solved now so I can make a start.  I love your garden where do you live?
  4. Project 7. Finally here after a glitch in the software. Taken on a visit to Araleuan western Australia.  Such a pretty place to visit especially in tulip time. I forgot to put the pinked piece back to the edge, but I am not going back after the trouble I have had.
  5. Project 5 Day 7.


    In keeping with the tutorial, I have cropped and sized my 3 photos to place in formality above the piece of glitter.  I accidently added a 4th photo as it helped to tell the story.  When we were travelling around in our holiday bus, we came across this place with all these carvings in and on the trees, they were fantastic and my camera just kept clicking.  Last year I took some friends, and it was all gone.  What a disappointment.  Apparently it had all been shifted to another province, it is hard to accept how all these living things from the earth could be shifted successfully without a trace left behind.  It was a truly exciting experience the carvings were brilliant, it was hard to choose which photos to place on my project.

  6. Thanks Carole for your kind remarks.  As you know I am inclined to think out of the box and put a twist on things.  Also getting myself in trouble at times, but this one strictly to the tutorial.
  7. Hi everyone, I am back for the umpteenth time.. There are always things to learn and practise on, even if it is just pressing a different button and putting a different twist on things.


    I have added a page I  put together at the weekend concentrating on the selection tool.  The smart selection tool worked the best. Mind you, my time on using the selection tools seem to take hours longer than Carole's do.  I realise I should have cloned the sun off the subjects neck , but I didn't so I will take that into consideration for my next selection day

  8. I have done day 6 again, now that I have had help from Carole regarding the template.  Thanks Carole, sometimes it can be just that little wrong move. I just grabbed this photo at random to match the colours I have chosen.  This is my son and daughter, we are all keen players.  I am the short one.  Sadly my darts may becoming to an end as I ruptured my short bicep ligament a few weeks ago, on my dart arm of course.  I used papers from Scrap twist designers.and the element from Uhere  png's.
  9. Day 7  reflections, fairly simple today, but I always think less is more if it tells the story.  This is our local bridge, the remains of the old one still remain. The colours are always beautiful at this time of year. I only used the inner bevel effects on the photo and words.
  10. Carole, on day 3 I noticed that a lot of participants had used the same template that you had used for the project and they could follow the tutorial to each process and put the text exactly where you did. I had issues with the text wrapping because  I just got lost with the process. I have done it before so i will have another shot sometime.


    For the shadows correction on Day 4, I   usually duplicate the layers before I  drop shadow, I see what you mean,  point taken, thanks.

  11. Wise Words Day 4 and  quite far from the beach I would say.  In Central Otago NZ we have beautiful Autumn colours.  Arrowtown is a historical village  with Queenstown close by.  It is an hours drive from where I live ad I can say there is a picture around every corner in all seasons, but Autumn has the most vivid colours.  It is so unusual to see sucn quiet streets with no tourists.
  12. Day 3 Project (Crib) I  was having issues and couldn't do the journal text as Carole did with the selection.  I didn't have mine on a template so maybe that was why. I have done it before but that was before and not now, so I have just gone on my own tangent and did as I knew how. Some days things just don't fall in to place, and this was one of them.
  13. Alicia, you will love New Zealand but I guess your visit will be delayed until we are out of lock down and I am not sure when our borders are going to open. Our government  have ordered very strict rules and I don't think overseas travel will happen in the close future.  Let me know when this time  comes  and how far south you are planning to visit, we may be able to meet


    Cheers Shirley

  14. Day 1 in Wise words challenge.  This little guy popped up on my fb page and gave me the inspiration for my page.  I scrounged  the elements from png guru and UIHere free elements except for the butterfly and the paper came from my stash .  I used the same text as Carole and boy what a job I had doing this.
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