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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. Hi Cassel and friends.  My Day 6 project. Busy bees. I couldn't resist using these photos of George when he decided to help with the Christmas decorations and the handles on the bag looped over his head.  I just used a selection of papers and elements for this one.
  2. Hi Cassel and friends.  Day 5" Friendship" I have decided to use all pet photos in this bootcamp.  These lovelies are my 3 boys.George Pete and charli. I actually used a mixture of papers and elements for this project.
  3. Hi Cassel and friends, Here is my day 4 in the camp, "Adventure". This is my friends Main Coon, he is beautiful and this is about as adventurous as he gets as he has a disability.


    I downloaded the freebie dandelion wishes 2, which is an add on from Dandelion wishes that we used last time, and have used all my papers and elements from there.  I did darken some of my papers with the levels tool. I couldn't get things to sit just right with one photo, so I cheated and it looked much more balanced with two.

  4. Hi Cassel, the frame I used in my day 3 project is from 2020 psp frames.  I don't always remember to choose the ones that are right in front of me but  I thought this one was a good match for the photo.


    I have a big ukulele festival in 10 days, and a big dart championship coming in March so have been spending my time practising for those.  I don't like getting too far behind with the psp its too hard to catch up. These revision boot camps keep me posted. Thanks to you lovely lady.

  5. Hi Cassel and friends.  I am a late starter for this bootcamp, but better late than never I guess.This cute little King Charles is  a new addition in my Grandsons home.  I have yet to meet him. What a cutie.
  6. Day 6 November boot camp. Eli, our great grandson has been busy testing his baking skills for many years.  Earlier this year he met a well known chef and she gifted him one of her cook books.  He has just won the prime ministers award at his school for excellence.  We are very proud
  7. Hi, I am a late starter for the November boot camp.  here are my Day 3, and day 4 projects.


    Day 3.  This is my adorable No 4 Gt Grandson, such a cutie.


    Day 4, what a wonderful adventure it was on the penny farthing.  Just look at me go !!!



  8. This is my 3rd and last project from Cassel's webinar of last week.  I wanted to do this one to try the wavy text. The bubbles brush carole used was not in my trial download of 2020, so I used the dots and they served the purpose. I am enjoying getting back to psp, but still seem to need a tutorial to follow. I had to smile when Carole said her time was running out and she would just do a quick one, but it took me about 4 hours. lol !!
  9. I think everything comes with the upgrade, and it does take time to get it installed, but you are correct, there is so much you can do with the tools without all the extras.
  10. Thanks so much for your encouragement Annie. I have had a heap of versions over the years, I started with version 8, but have had lots of spells, and new computers etc and when my last laptop blew up, I lost all my psp, so bought the 2019 upgrade.  I have had some issues, but it is like a naughty child, you learn how to handle it.  I specially am interested in 2020 for some of the improved and finer detailed the tools provide.  Have a go,  try the new version.


    Cheers Shirley

  11. I have downloaded the trial version of 2020, and here is my 1st scrap page from same. This is the 2nd page from Cassel's  tutorial presentation for corel last week. The photo is a part my front  garden all glamoured up for a special Birthday  celebration.  I have followed totally to the tutorial using all psp tools except for adding some confetti down each side. Thanks carole
  12. I had the pleasure of watching Carole's tutorial last week for Coral, on scrapbooking.  This is my interpretation of the 1st tut.  For some reason I don't have the dalmation swatch in my materials palette, so have used dedesmith papers with some changes. This is a friends beautiful Collie.
  13. A close friend recently  lost everything in a house fire. She was pleased I had photos to print off for her from when the house was shifted to the site.   I decided to put them together in a frame for her birthday next month.  I had so much trouble with this tutorial in the double page project that I decided to use it again for  revision , and pleased to say I sailed through much better.  My daughter up cycles wooden items to a  shabby chic look, so she is on the job with a soft green frame



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