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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. I was very excited to win the tatting tube this month and they are very true to the actual stitch patterns. The tube I have chosen on the scrapbook page is the same pattern I trimmed my daughters veil with.  This is the  only photo I could find  showing some of the trim not much to see,  but I can assure it was a very long piece of work.
  2. I have not been getting the live videos on facebook, but today when I watched it was 9 hours later and carole you asked for out first scrapbook page.  This one is from the beginners free class that I see is still available and a logical and a good place for new scrapbookers to start.
  3. Today I have chosen from one of my early bootcamps featuring my beautiful boys.  George Pete and Charli.  I can see plenty of room for improvement in this one but as I say it was one of  my early challenges.
  4. Carole, yes I am getting more confident, but only on some techniques.  It still can take hours to decide on papers and elements. I'm not likely to be taking it on for a living but if I charged by the hour now that would be very lucrative!! lol
  5. Selections!..Well !!  I can watch Carole's videos on this process, she makes it look easy but can assure you it is not. I have recently finished a 32 page scrapbook for my Grandson Sam's  30th Birthday. His Mum's friend conned me into doing the same for her daughters 30th. (They are all great friends and the kids are all  like siblings. When very suddenly the whole Country went into covid level 4 on account of cases in the North Island our major city of Auckland. No cases in the South where I live, this was 3 weeks ago so I had a little more time for working on it. Our Island is now on level 2 while the North Island (Auckland) still on level 4. For us here we have more business open so it was back on to the scrapping again and pleased to say I only have 2 more pages to do.  During this time of scrapping I have tried to perfect my selection skills and I am enjoying the challenge.  This page is my favourite of all the 60 odd pages, the couple became engaged in Budapest on their big OE. One thing I thing that would help is knowing how to place their feet firmly on the ground so they don't look like they are floating.
  6. This one is from a very early lesson, these kids are 11 and 14 now, giving  photos the aged look with the sepia colouring and serrated photo edge. I can't remember the lesson, maybe it was from the Bakers dozen.
  7. Day 5, When I first used  this mask it was a gift for the love story challenge, and I had so much trouble,I got so frustrated I only managed one of the smaller templates. I thought it was rather cute with the mother hen sitting on the wee kittens.  I was going to put one kitten in each box but it wouldn't work, but the 3 p's usually work practise practice practise.   As you see I can manage it now, and the one with the dogs was used for the travel challenge.
  8. For day 4, I have chosen "out of this world"  It has been a very popular theme in this showcase and it is good seeing all the different ways of stepping out of the frame. Another one of Caroles tutorials.
  9. Yes Carole I think it was from the bootcamp, and the photo edges,I thought from a built in script, but I can't see it there. Definitely from within my psp program, not bought in. Looks like I will have to go looking if I want to use it again.
  10. For day 3  I am showing Carole's script "stacked up" I have experimented working with the many tools in the psp tool box.  Selections on the bridge was quite a mission and not perfect, but the effect is there, the perspective shape and the photo edges are all out the tool box.  The photo is of my late husband and his fishing friend, both in their new fishing ground now. I played around on the photo with  eraser masking too.  I must have had a lot of time up my sleeve that day !
  11. Day 2, I am not sure if this challenge was from the basic scrap course one of my first bootcamps that I worked on.  I actually thought boot camps  were for new members so had let a few go by before participating. Sizing photos, choosing elements and papers.  Learning effects were all on the go here.
  12. Hi friends and special Hi 5 to Carole on your special birthday. This is one of Carole's templates from a bootcamp.  I can't remember the title, but I know it had a lot of template work and I found it so difficult at the time. I live in a fruit growing district in lower new Zealand and we used to get very severe frosts in the winter.  We used to burn oil in pots to  save new buds but now a cleaner method is used with water sprays.  And just a bit of trivia, My grandad, a horticulturist went to America  in 1937 to learn more about this area of frost protection and it was he who introduced the frost pots to our community
  13. This is one of my grandsons pages from the book I put together for his 30th Birthday  he put this comic book together when he was very young.  He is a very talented young man. He was to be married in a couple of  weeks after a fairly long courtship but unfortunately we have gone into lockdown and it has been postponed.
  14. This is Grandson Sam's farewell party when he went off to study Digital media, studied an extra year in animation. He did us proud, now has his dream job as a self employed cartoonist doing family cartoon caricatures, and streams live as Bool Ruffell. He cartooned a book when he was about 10yrs , all the kids nicknamed him "Book" and it has stuck with him still. This is a page of the scrapbook I am putting together for his 30th birthday.
  15. My Grandson id 30 next month so I have taken a spell from my daughters scrapbook to work on something for him. I have taken many photos over the years that he hasn't seen but this one of their King Charles was one of theirs and it had a very black background. I had a go of extracting it but didn't look natural enough.  I spent ages working out how I was going to soften it and this is how it turned out, not perfect by any means, but then neither am I.  I  have used Carole's slat script .I wasn't sure on the background for the slats so I just went into the pattern and used the open photo of the dog.
  16. Trying out a mixture of tool work, like using the background eraser on the bridge, changing layer blend modes. Applying Carole's script on the feature photo.  I had put a mask through the photo some time ago but hadn't done anything with it.  These 2 have now gone to fishing heaven, they were great fishing buddies.  I added the white (old look( photo edge from  filtre forge.  This took up a fair part of the day yesterday but it was a good fore runner to stacking the firewood which was a necessary evil. Shortest day yesterday, our winter will be here in full force now then comes the joys of spring.
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