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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. Thank you Christina and Dawn, and Christina, you should have a go, it doesn't matter if it takes you a bit longer.  It takes me ages too on most projects, I was lucky with this one, the papers and elements just seemed to pop out at me, usually choosing them takes the longest time.
  2. I will have a go if there is any more interest.  I am surprised there are not more friends in the group keen to do this, it is fun, but makes you think out of the box a bit more.  I was going to partner minka but we have already done one  so I waited first  to see if someone else would come out to play.
  3. Day 7. It doesn't look right to me, but it is my result  from following the written tutorial. I have  centered all my challenges from perth Australia, and Carole, they do have those rather large spiders which absolutely freak me out.
  4. So here comes day 3 just a day late, but it took me that long to get my stamp done.  I nearly gave up and cheated.  Its all about the layers Shirley. Oh well, I am still in Australia, and have been to the zoo today.
  5. Thanks carole.  The netting is a download from UIhere.  I have downloaded the netting script that was given, and saved it to the appropriate folder, but I haven't been able to locate it to put into action yet.



  6. My day 2 and I am enjoying my holiday in Western Australia.  I travelled by aircraft from Queenstown to Auckland then from Auckland to Perth. In NZ we are 4 hours ahead of Perth.  The journey takes about 11 hours.
  7. All aboard and no lost luggage Carole.  I am not sure if I have captured this day 1 as you invised, but here it is.When our family lived in Australia, we would goto Perth and visit  for a month in the winter  which for us is June July August. The wild flowers were in full bloom and such a pretty sight. I have used the colours that represent our rugby teams.  We have the All Blacks, and Australia colours are green and gold.
  8. Out of space challenge. You wouldn't catch me in that restaurant, I couldn't even walk on the glass floor at the Auckland tower and I got half way across a river on a swing bridge once and had to crawl back.  So scary.  I see I have spelt Restaurant incorrect. Oops!!
  9. Very enjoyable class today on templates.  I don't know why everything looks so easy when Carole does it, but I spent a good  hour tonight trying to follow the  first tutorial using a template I had in my stash, but no matter how many times  over and over it didn't work. The first piece of paper did and  that is where it stopped going to plan, so I moved on and picked up the one that Carole chose from the corel selection ( they are pretty miserable with the free ones) and thought I will follow along with her. but it was so easy I just went ahead and everything fell into place.  I even put my twist on things, made a few alterations and added some elements to brighten it up to my liking.  All the flowers are from my garden.  90% of all else was from Scrap twist designer Marnie Jo.
  10. Thanks Annie, you are always so kind and it is nice to see you back I hope you are doing ok. Sorry for your loss its so sad when we lose our pets.  I can relate well. xx


    Bonnie,  I checked Annies photo and it worked fine with option to enlarge on a 3600 x 3600  page when using the pick tool.

  11. Last day. Concentration. Duck shooting activities commenced this weekend in NZ I thought when I found this black and white photo of us plucking the game catch, why not do a black and white theme. Yes that's me on the left.
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