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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. I have just completed another page for my daughters scrapbook, she is the little one. This was a recipe project using the ingredients listed.  Actually I don't know if it helps to be guided by certain elements to use, but it keeps one on the straight and narrow.
  2. Annie thanks, I love  these daisies, I reinvented this project recently for a header,  unfortunately I didn't save the pspimage originally. One learns by their mistakes.


    You have a very interesting piece there too. nice look on the angle.There are many ways to put a take on songs.

  3. Hi friends, My daughters scrap book is coming together. These 2 pages, were actually done following tutorials from the double take.  So in page No 1, which is on the right I thought the element pages would be appropriate frames for the primary school theme, and in page No 2 on the left High School theme, I have created the frames myself using a gradient for the colour.  Not very adventurous, but effective enough I think for the purpose.
  4. I didn't get to do the double take as planned as other things got in the way, and I wasn't very well last week. Yesterday I looked at Day 1 and  I aim to continue present challenges with the scrapbook I am doing for No 2 daughter. The photos I had prepared didn't sit right for the template used, so I searched for more suitable ones, coming up with the ones I have chosen.  I really needed the catch up on converting templates to masks and enjoyed following the tutorial. It has been quite a job trying to make old photos presentable.
  5. Following the scrap course module 1, but slightly swaying off the course and adding a 3rd photo I am continuing with my daughters scrapbook.  My pages are numbered very random at the moment, as some photos don't suit the challenge. I have used 2 papers,  a patterned one a plain blue one which I have decreased to 66 so the pattern shows through. 2 elements and 2 frames. The originals don't show much difference, but on 36x36 they certainly do. On the black and whites I find using Adjust  brightness/contrast>full light clarity is very helpful.
  6. HI there.  Still working on my daughters scrapbook. I have until September so I am not as pressured as I was with her elder sisters. 60 years in 3 months was big time.  I took the background from the photo background and put a filter forge filter through it, ths buttons and frames  are from the kilt pattern. The element is a K.E design.
  7. Minka, never give up the music, it is great therapy and it has such beautiful memories for you.  I had not long started learning the ukulele when my husband passed 5 yrs ago,  he was my biggest fan and so encouraging. He would be so proud now to know that I have been out singing with a friend, and not a vocal ever came out my mouth until I was well into my 70's.


    Annie My cousin lives at Bribie Island and she has a kingfisher come to her for breakfast each morning.

  8. Annie, thanks for your kind remarks. Yes she was a cutie, Finally I have left the black and whites and now  into some colour on my day 5.  I am a little behind this time but I have had some other pressures going on. Also being summer the garden doesn't wait for psp.  I am also enjoying your posts and yes I remember you telling about  your precious little fellow.
  9. Annie, I think we are in the same boat, it is just as well we have some humour embedded in us.  It was certainly a Carole job with the lost icons.  She is a wizz, what would we do without her, I think we will have to clone her. I was interested to hear if anyone else had the same issue.


    Carole, It took a lot of playing around to get the right balance because of the shape of the subject, and the black and white photos don't help much.  Hopefully I will be into colour soon.

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