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Posts posted by Shirley

  1. Looks like I was getting out of school early and didn't finish my project.  Here is the o 3 card completed.


    Such an abundance of beautiful cards.  Lovely to see Trish back again, I love your work Trish, and what a lot of newbies bringing some lovely work.

  2. Here is my  1st 3 cards.  I am  bit late with my cards, but I have been unwell, and probably not followed the rules correctly. I always heard that shingles was cruel, but had no idea it would be  this painful and believe me I am in week 3 and there is no let up of pain.  Getting a Tia, and a Uti in the midst of it all hasn't helped either. However have managed to get some finished I am posting the 1st 3 here today and I must say that even though the cards are very simple looking, there are some good techniques I have learnt. I had some issues with the first card, I couldn't get the paint in, but I went on to the 2nd card and it worked. I think maybe I had a small selection open on the work and it was stopping the action as I know it can.
  3. Hi Carole, Here are  a couple of moon shots of the process, it was a special  night, I think  some kind of eclipse. I had a  new camera with a great telescope on it.  I was very impressed of how well the photos turned out.  I think this is 1st photo and last photo. These are genuine photos, no touching up. I just supported my wrists  on the back fence to  steady camera
  4. Hi Guys, I am getting near the end now this is page 36, only 2 pages to go on the memory book of my daughter's life to this day.  This is page covers her time as a manager owner of a  wool and haberdashery shop. She designed knitting patterns , someone may have heard of her patterns Extreme Handknits. The green cardy is one of her patterns. Most of the elements would be from my memories designers, the ric rac is one of carole's scripts and the lace is carole's tube.
  5. We are looking back to 1982 for this festive occasion.  Another scrap page for my daughters memory book.  It is inspiring getting back into psp, but the work is a bit slower since my stroke, it took me about 3 days to do this and get the effect I wanted, but getting the desired effect is good.  There is still a bit of brain freeze going on, but doing this must be good for me.
  6. This is my favourite photo of the 3 kids when they were young. I am still working on my younger daughters memory book, and this a page.   I have been missing recently recovering from  a stroke, and it certainly knocked the stuffing out of me. It affected my speech, and I still have a bit of brain freeze, but I am doing ok, just takes me a bit longer.
  7. Awareness. I know this is not really as you would describe health awareness, but as November is nearly over and the page has not filled up, I am posting this scrap of my Grandson and fiancée on their big OE. I am looking at it from a different angle. Organised tours are full on and it is very important to be nourished while you are travelling around. I am thinking there must be some protein in that piece of pizza. Sorry if this offends.
  8. November Sketch challenge. A new experience for me, I haven't done shadows, and there is a reason for that. (something happened ) just a little whoopsie, but it was getting late and I thought it doesn't look too bad so here it is. I thought I would do Christmas then i could use Carole's candy sticks and stars.
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