We have concluded that PSP2023 will be the last version developed by Corel/Alludo. Unfortunately, it also means that the existing bugs might not be fixed.
Let's make a list of the bugs you have experienced so far. As a beta-tester, I saw several reports of bugs but not all of them are consistent or affecting everyone.
To start, make sure you have the latest patch for it, and the number is If you happen to have version, you will HAVE to uninstall your PSP and reinstall it from scratch as that particular version will NOT upgrade to the correct version; it is kind of "stuck" there. Don't report bugs for that older version: they are very serious and were fixed in the upgrade.
To make it easier to read and refer to, indicate, in bold, a name for the tool/effect/function, then describe the issue you are encountering. If they are actual bugs, I will leave them there. If they are just technical issues that should be troubleshoot, I will remove them from the thread into their own thread so we can address them separately.