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Template Workshop 2022


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More inspiring and great layouts were posted in the last few days. This thread is really a hit. Great job, everyone!


Corrie, it was great to go along with you on this balloon ride! I would love to do this as well... probably in another life! :)

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Here is Day 3 - Template 3 Diamond


This time I tweaked a little bit more... added one more paper and one more photo.


I used some elements and papers from the "DiHiller_PS 2021Jul Nature Walk" free kit (DigitalScrapbook.com).


From Cassel: LiftedPhoto script and WordFrame (Lab8-Module02).


Again, I changed the colors of the greeneries, adding a solid color underneath them and changing the blend mode to Overlay.


Fonts: Candy Round BTN and Label Creator; this one was a treat from my good friend, Sue Thomas. Thank you, Sue!

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Thanks for the information about the glass work. I will take a look at Leslie's Facebook page. Don't know if I'll ever make it to the places you referred to but if I do I'll know where to go.


The only thing I ever used a kiln for was ceramics. I really enjoyed that but like you ,when I moved the kiln did not go with me.


Again Thanks,



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I just did a search for your friend. Wow, It will take me some time to get through it all. Fantastic...I saw one thing there that reminded me of something my son made many years ago. I still have it and cherish it as he is no longer with us besides the fact that it is beautiful.


Thanks again for the lead.,



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Carole - Thank you. I can't remember what font I used but the wording has a black outline with a brownish fill. I probably got carried away with the 'CTRL Y's' when drop shadowing everything and probably should have changed the settings for the title. All good stuff to learn.




Once again, thank you for a great workshop. Really enjoyed it.

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I love art in many forms.  There so much to be inspired by and motivated by to give me ideas (this includes mother-nature's art, she never gets it wrong-especially the colors).  The loss of a child is the worst imaginable, no parents should have to endure that.  I am sorry hear about your son.  His art is a treasured piece.

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+#74594 Carole: Christiane (#74546) what happens when you just hide that layer? Does it still “show up” on your project? Yes, it does (in a slightly grey). I don't know how but I solve the problem. I used the flood filler and stamped it (anyhow) and it worked.


Carry on to end Template Day 2.


So within the next days I'll present my result.

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Ann - The "virus" background in the graphic with Rudy's masks was done using a graphic I found on Pixabay as an overlay. Once I found a good blend mode, I lowered the opacity because it was overwhelming the rest of the layout.


Susan - The cats are a cheeky pair with distinct personalities. They help keep me grounded.

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Here is my result for Template Workshop Lesson 7 Diamond. So sorry - a little fixing... I couldn't remove the first try...
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Carole, thank you for your comments (#74439)


(#74374) That church is in Belgium, here's a little explanation in English about it.



(#74421) About the cats, the first and second photo have been my cats, unfortunately they are no longer there. At a certain point I had found and adopted four cats, 3 of which were kittens. The third photo is a neighbor's cat, and the last one a cat that regularly sits in the park


what a success this workshop is :-), so many beautiful creations!


I'm still catching up :-)


this is Template 5

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Lesson 7


I didn't use any kits, I made the Rt 66 sign some time ago, I swiped the road off the internet, all the photos are mine, including the map. It was on Santa Monica pier and I took a photo of it.


I did enjoy this workshop. As usual, Carole always comes up with something new to me. I also enjoyed every ones creations.


Looking forward to dynamic frames.

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