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Alphabet album - C


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Have you ever made an ALPHABET album? It is a fun way to showcase photos or stories, but with an added twist.


I have created an alphabet album in the past, where each page had a title (and a topic) starting with one letter of the alphabet. Then, the pages were placed in alphabetical order, even if not in chronological order. So, for 2022, I am suggesting this long-term challenge for you. With one page every 2 weeks, we will be able to finish the year with a complete album. It is up to you to decide if you want to print it or share it otherwise.


I will share my own pages, just for ideas, but I will also give you some more words that will start with the letter of the week. Try to think of one overarching theme to use. It could be about your last vacation, a family gathering, a hobby of yours, a location, etc. Think of something that you have lots of photos of or many words you can associate with.


If you have not started yet and want to jump in, no problem. You know the alphabet so you know what letters you will have to do and you still have many months to catch up on those few pages, so don't hesitate. There is also no deadline, so if this week's page is done only next month, it is totally fine too.


So here is my C layout.




(Chatouille = tickle)


Of course, you can use words in your own language too. As you can see, this album was done in French.


Here are some other words that could be used as title/theme:


Cat, Club, Camp, Circle, Circus, Close, Curtain, Cinema, Chair, Cold, Cool, Cup, Coffee, Coconut, Come, Carry, Central, Cake, Carrot, Carrier, Courier, Cream, Cottage, Cheese, Careful, Celebration, Capable, Calm, Cheerleading, Classic, Clean, Child, Close, Clever, Comfy, Commemorative, Cute, Colors, Construction, Cozy, and many more.


Show us your C page.

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C from my alphabet book about my town. We are the county seat so the county courthouse is located here just 2 blocks from downtown and across the street from the fire department (which was also had the police department in my youth) and the county library. The first courthouse was built in 1851 and the one shown here that is still used was built in 1893.



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My letter C is for the Centre of my village. The shopping centre was build in 1965 and was the first indoor shopping centre of the Netherlands. It was situated parallel to the motorway that divided the village. In 1999 the diversion of the motorway gave the opportunity to re-develop the centre. A big underground parking was build on what had been the motorway together with a green entrance-allee. A big enlargement of the shopping area was realised with a combination of offices, shops, apartments and restaurants.


In 2005, at the roundabout, a work of art called "Het Uilenbos" or "The Owl-forrest" by a wellknown Dutch artist Marte Rölling was put. It consists of 7 pillars of weathering steel on which 21  goldplated elements and 6 owls are attached.

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Corrie The album was made using a set of templates from a designer that I was on her creative team at the time. So the whole album is made of large letters and photo spots. Some have journaling, some don't. Sadly, the templates have been retired so no longer available. She even did a template for a cover page.
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Corrie I even made a back cover page for my book. I had it printed at Shutterfly and could use my own images for the front and back cover. The template kit didn't have a template for that so I just used another one that worked for the image I used.  If Carole makes a thread at the end for cover pages, I'll post both of them there.
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I used a template from Chantahlia Design

From Creation Cassel the script RasterToMask

Use the largest photo as background, inverted, and gausian blur, and above it an overlay of digitalscrapbook.com

I made the adhesive tape myself with the colors in the photo by following a tutorial of the Scrapbook Campus

The paper under the text is a selection, filled with a color from the photo and added noice.


Visit the City Hall of Leuven, Belgium by a virtual tour 360°, you can even enter the city hall by clicking on the green dots.





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