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January RANDOM Challenge (2022)


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Here is a challenge to do something that might not be repeated in other months. Just an idea that popped like that (and you can also send me suggestions for occasional random challenges too).


This week, let's use an ACROSTIC.


When I was in school, we would often create birthday cards for others using the recipient's name, and finding some adjectives for each individual letter. An acrostic can look like this:


C harming

A dorable

R eally fun

O utloud

L oving

E xtremely cute


This can be used instead of journaling or as a title. You can use a person's name, a location or go the other route and start with an attribute and associate various people to them, or a generic word like VACATION and list different places you went on vacation (or places you would dream to go)

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Another one of my passions is the night sky.  At this time of year in the northern hemisphere,  when it is at it's coldest is the best time to  look up.  The Orion constellation, the Big Bear and the Big Dipper, to mention a few are clearly visible every night.  The other day Corrie  created a  delightful page using techniques  with the brush variance pallet.   Several years ago, I  created the brush used, resurrected it to add a top and bottom border.
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It wasn't difficult to choose a word; of course it's flowers! The watercolorscript is great with my flowers, I ran it a couple of times with different settings and this one I liked best. The background is made with 2 papers with different opacity and I played with the blend modes until I got something I liked. The fonts used are: Peaceful Nature for the capitals and Century Schoolbook. The border is a font too: Floral Dividers which go with the theme.
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I needed a distraction from  book keeping for a little while.  After seeing what Carole has  been working on, it inspired me  to look through my  frosted photos taken  last Autumn, and  I came up with this.  I particularly like this photo. Simple framing, played with some effects to create the background paper, which is the original photo.  Used a mask on the leaf.


An explanation why I used some words:  Frost is  caused by an occurrence of sub freezing temperatures and humidity.   There are many different  types of frost, the frost in this photo is called Rime.

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