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Alphabet Album - A


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Have you ever made an ALPHABET album? It is a fun way to showcase photos or stories, but with an added twist.


I have created an alphabet album in the past, where each page had a title (and a topic) starting with one letter of the alphabet. Then, the pages were placed in alphabetical order, even if not in chronological order. So, for 2022, I am suggesting this long-term challenge for you. With one page every 2 weeks, we will be able to finish the year with a complete album. It is up to you to decide if you want to print it or share it otherwise.


I will share my own pages, just for ideas, but I will also give you some more words that will start with the letter of the week. Try to think of one overarching theme to use. It could be about your last vacation, a family gathering, a hobby of yours, a location, etc. Think of something that you have lots of photos of or many words you can associate with.


Are you up to jump into this 2022 project?


Remember that like anything in the Campus, there is no strict commitment. If you skip a week or a month, it is ok. If you want to catch up later, it is fine too.


So here is my A layout.




Of course, you can use words in your own language too. As you can see, this album was done in French.


Here are some other words that could be used as title/theme:


Aunt, Angel, Animal, Art, Ancestors, Antique, Airplane, Alphabet, Aroma, Action, Amazing, Afraid, Athletic, and of course, you can include locations too, like Australia, Austria, Alaska, Alberta, etc.


Show us your A page, and tell us what is going to be your overall topic.

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Another topic to be considered for an alphabet album is documenting your town. I did one back in 2012 using templates from Scrapping With Liz (I was on her creative team at the time). Each letter documented something about the town including things personal to me. For one letter, I used the name of my street. Another letter was about the area where my street is located. And for that pesky letter "Q", I did a page on some of the quirky residents the town has known over the years. What is interesting in looking at it 9 years later, is one of the businesses I highlighted is no longer in business!


This was my A page:




I also did a cover page and a back page since I was having it printed at Shutterfly.

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I'm loving the Alphabet Album Challenge and having read the above ideas I'm torn between my first thought: Flowers (that won't come as a surprise!) and the second: The place where I live, because I have made a lot of photos for the calendar 2022 and have a lot more then are in the calendar. Probably I can sneak in some flowers too. I'll give it some thought.
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Corrie, you can start with both, and see which one theme might captivate you longer. And also, remember that you do NOT have to use English words or text! Either theme would be great and will make us feel like we are walking around with you.
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Corrie, one of my pages in my town album is about the gardens in town... lots of flowers there :) You could easily incorporate specific flowers that are important to your town in a town album.  Lots of ways to go and it is all your choice. After all, we do this hobby to please us.
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Thank you both and yes Carole I will use Dutch for this project, I'm already making a list with which letter could have which photo. I'm pretty sure I can cover the whole alphabet with my flowers and I must see if can do that for my village too. And of course I will want to make something coherent that I can turn into a printed album.
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I'm going to try this...just as soon as we get power. We have a generator and that's great except it stopped working just before dark last night. We had a snow "storm"...about 11 inches...I know, nothing compared to what some of you experience...but a good sized storm for VA. Lost power...generator kicked in...for some reason it stopped. Long night last night...keeping the fire going...driveway now clear, road plowed...and generator working again. We'll get it checked when the "real" power comes on. Once all of that is straightened out...I'll get back to scrappin'....maybe, I'll scrap anyway.


I do like the idea and, Mary, I love your alphabet soup idea!

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After some checking if I have all the letters of the alphabet covered, I decided to go for my village of which I already have a lot of photos. In the coming months I just have to take a couple more for certain letters, but those are later in the alphabet and of course I can alter the sequence if needed. I'm planning to use the same font (Royal Initialen) for the single letters and probably the same font (Audiga script) for the remaining letters of the title. As a starting point for my layout I used the first of 26 templates that Carole gifted some time ago but I changed it somewhat to suit te photos I wanted to use. The background paper I have in my stash and is by Marissa Lerin.


The story I tell is about a skipper from my village back in 1590 who thought of a trick to conquer back Breda in the 80-Year War between Spain and Holland. I have told that story already when making my calendars.

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Rene - loved your layout for Neil Armstrong.  I am a "space nut".


Corrie - great layout and decision for your 26 layouts.


Carole - Sebastian really got into the painting didn't he!


I have started listing possibilities for my "alphabet soup".  Could really do about 5 or 6 groups once I started listing the possibilities.  That's the problem.  But I think I will go with either my daughter or my great granddaughter as the A.

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One thing to remember is that not all the letters will need to have a noun associated with it. It could be a verb, or it could even be an idiom. So let's say someone does an album on flowers but has no flower starting with K. The layout for that letter could be "Knowledge bits", and then it would not be the specific name of a flower.


See what I mean?

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Mary Solaas, I'm a bit of a space nut as well. Hard not to be when your town is where the first man on the moon grew up and went to school. I also have personal connections to Neil Armstrong as well (all deceased now though) which made it really special when I was growing up. My town celebrated the anniversary of the moon walk in 2019 and this year is the 50th anniversary of the museum.
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Before I continue with  this challenge, with the theme and layout I have chosen I want to make sure that it's acceptable for this challenge.  As it isn't a proper scrapbook layout. Using landscape  and portrait frames.  The intention is to have them all displayed on a wall instead of in an album.  Birds is going to be  the subject matter.  Initially I thought to  create flash cards, or reference cards. A per usual, my  own photo, and framing.
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Sue, that is totally acceptable. There is no rule in this "challenge" other than use the alphabet to showcase your project. I can definitely imagine 26 beautiful frames on your wall. What a conversation piece it will be!
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Thank you Carole, it's a little different, but there are lots of different ways to display our pages. With a little info on each subject, it will make for interesting conversation, while being decorative. I actually got the idea from Vicki's photo of her scrap pages printed on canvas, to be wall mounted. I used a font monogram for the gold frame around the avocet, selected inside the frame, invert to edit the photo around the frame. My usual style in play. ?
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This was harder than I expected. I am missing ideas for 6 letters...think I have one of them figured out.

Many of the photos will have to be scanned...I'm going to tackle the scanning one letter at a time...too much to do all at once + I haven't decided which photos to use...will do that with each letter. Already expect some letters will be a double page layout.

Here is A...for Agnes, my Mom. I struggled with this also...selecting the photos...brought back great memories and created some new ones also.

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