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I'd like to show any newcomers what can be done with the very first lesson in layers. I've taken Bootcamp four times and each one produces a different lunch table. Here's one I like best. Since I embellished it, I must confess I had the most trouble with cutting the sandwich and the toothpicks!
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I thought it was about time, I posted something, that I created from the Basic Scrap Course. My daughter had a fire at her place a couple of weeks ago. It destroyed the garage and melted a small amount of the back corner of the house. Thank goodness, her dog, Luna woke them up. She is our hero.
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My posting for Day 8 is "Green Acres"  My granddaughter, Heather, (now a mom of 4 and a Case Worker at our local hospital) was allowed to drive the tractor by our friend and she came down the hill singing the theme song from Green Acres.  This was done from <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Lab 6 Module 1</span>: Cathedral window pattern paper, puffy paint, wood frame; Experiment 1 was song lyrics or title.
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Every evening (my time) I spend quit some time to look at all the new entries here and it is time well spend! For today I want to show a layout that I made during a Scraplift challenge. Every month there are weekly challenges about someting special and they return once in a while. We get a layout and are asked to make something a bit similar using our own photos, ideas, fonts etc. In this example the Save me! page was the starting image and the Nature one is what I made out of it.


Scrapbook Campus: scraplift challenge

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This is the project I did in Bootcamp for Day 7 - Friendship. I learnt how to use Guides, so I could scale the 3 photos to be the same height. After that,  I played with glitters. It was a Fun class as always. Thank you Carole for all the interesting classes, tutorials and helpful tips. You have made playing with PSP so much fun! Thank you everyone here, you are all very talented and I enjoy all your projects.



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Here are two pages  using the polka dot frame I created. Initially I created it  for the monarch butterfly, to match it's spots, and used it again for the bingo challenge, quite some time ago.  You will find several polka dot tutorials in the creative scrap,  one being the multicoloured polka dots tutorial.
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Halloween isn't too far away.  It's something I have never celebrated, not even as a child.  Creating  these were fun though.  I took a photo of a beautiful young lady wearing a large brimmed hat, and transformed her into someone you  wouldn't want to meet on a dark night.  Masterclasses:  Spooky, and  Spooky 2.  These pages were done using the  Masterclass Spooky 2.  I have lost track, on  what, and how many posts I've  made, not  only in the projects, but  in the Trivia, and the classes.  Oh well!  It's  fun to see what  everyone has  created. All very inspirational.
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Having a little fun with the fake ID template Carole posted.  The hawks have come out to the country early this year.  I am NOT happy about it.  But it's Mother Nature at work so not for me to decide.  However, this fella has almost taken up residence on my garage roof ... eyeballing the critters and birds below.  I liked it just fine when they were all in the city.  I go out to try and shoo him away but he is not intimidated by me one iota.  He does make for a beautiful picture with the zoom lens.  My computer with all my favorite Scrapbook Campus stuff is down in Florida ... but Carole, I sure am glad (along with all the others, I'm sure) that you have been successful with this Campus and that we all found you!  May you have many many more years at it - and with us, too!
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Selections!..Well !!  I can watch Carole's videos on this process, she makes it look easy but can assure you it is not. I have recently finished a 32 page scrapbook for my Grandson Sam's  30th Birthday. His Mum's friend conned me into doing the same for her daughters 30th. (They are all great friends and the kids are all  like siblings. When very suddenly the whole Country went into covid level 4 on account of cases in the North Island our major city of Auckland. No cases in the South where I live, this was 3 weeks ago so I had a little more time for working on it. Our Island is now on level 2 while the North Island (Auckland) still on level 4. For us here we have more business open so it was back on to the scrapping again and pleased to say I only have 2 more pages to do.  During this time of scrapping I have tried to perfect my selection skills and I am enjoying the challenge.  This page is my favourite of all the 60 odd pages, the couple became engaged in Budapest on their big OE. One thing I thing that would help is knowing how to place their feet firmly on the ground so they don't look like they are floating.
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More entries for today:


Ann Seeber (2), another "love"-ly projects! And glad to see another sandwich!


Fiona Cook, we love to see projects from PSP users of all levels. Keep posting!


MoniqueN, a lovely card.


Sheila Hogg, yeah, those rings are so fun to make (and easy) to add some pizzazz to any project. It is a good thing that you are saving your work like that because we know how computers and drives are not eternal.


Cristina (2), I think that those types of challenges (the Bingo challenge, the Scavenger hunt and such) seem to always be your favorite!


Bonnie Ballentine, that is a great effort. Maybe you are missing some of the pictures that could show more if the letters were larger?


Nadine, I think it is a very good result, especially with the shading on the top photos. It gives a real impression of the photo being curled.


Susan Ewart, design is not something natural for everyone, but by observing, and scraplifting, it will become easier.


Euka, that is a good start. I think the shadows need to be pulled downward more since the paper seems to be lifted a lot.


Wanda (Sue) McGuire (2), that is such a fun project using that overflowing technique. I don't remember you sharing that before. Did you? That family project looks so great. I could have used that with heritage scrapbooking.


Lyn Lou, I guess I'll have to find something for a PaintShop Christmas 6!


Helen, glad that everyone is ok after that fire. BTW, I see a typo in the text: Garge instead of Garage? I am sure you have a layered version available for editing, right?


Mary Solaas, looking at your project, I thought I recognized that paper pattern!


Corrie Kinkel, yes, that is me in the pictures for that scraplifting challenge. Those are always interesting since with the same starting "sample", every project is completely different.


Anita Wyatt, glitters can add such a great effect to a project and it does not even have to be a lot!


Sue Thomas (2), polka-dots are among the simplest yet most versatile patterns to create. I was so proud when I found ways to create those Halloween effects that I NEEDED to turn them into a class and I remember some very surprised reactions!


Minka, I never thought of using that ID card template for an animal. Another way to think outside the box.


Shirley, after 60 pages, you must be getting a little more comfortable with your PSP, right? Beware, you might be getting more orders!


Libera (3), that challenge has generated so many great projects! For those who might not know, the Publish It challenge is the original name for the more recent Magazine challenge (the previous name seemed to mislead people in thinking I would help them get published).


And I also want to thank you all for your kind words, but I have to say that I could not have continued for 10 years without YOUR support too! 

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A Wise Word challenge was a great learning experience using text in different ways.   One lesson created an outline text with various options to fill or half fill ( I used a poppy fill) and using a sculpture texture to add nice edge and bevel to the outline.   Another lesson covered text wrapping and how to remove part of a selection which I have found invaluable


I am really enjoying seeing all the different creations and the walk down memory lane.

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