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Magazine Challenge 2021


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Cassel = Thanks to answering my question. If I want to try for two pics again I will give them short names. Thanks also for the other info.

EVERYONE ELSE - I can't believe all the wonderful pages everyone has posted. Some of your adaptions have given me some ideas for future projects and Cassel's suggestions to some of the problems has been a lot of help too. What a fun, interesting, and informative project this has been.

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Today was a challenge. I spent a lot of time trying to find a picture that would work in 4 components. With my 8.5X11 format, it required a tall thin image to fit the space. I could not find one. So I decided to turn to whole template 90 degrees to the right. Now I could use one of my carving project pictures to make a page in the theme of my Woodcraft magazine.


More great images to look at from all you talented scrapbookers. I see a few of you also rotated the template.


Ann L, your picture of Haleakala brings back some nice personal memories. Love the view.


Val, thank you so much for your detailed comments.


Ann S, good idea to put your pages in order like that. It gives a complete storyboard of your magazine.


Only one day left. I look for to seeing how everyone does their magazine wrap up.

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Thank you Val for your comments and interest. I am sure your plants look lovely. My parents-in-law were also both very active with the Scouts in the UK.


Clever of you Ann to make a mock up of your pages. It does help with planning. I tend to print mine out.


Rotating the mask Anne really worked with your design. I have kept to the template still with mine.


On Day 6 I had trouble at stage 9 as I could not see all 4 rectangles in one mask. I retried but it still didn't work. However, at that stage, with the floodfill tool set to white in foreground, I clicked on each of the selections in turn and then all 4 appeared on one mask. I also found that I needed to De-Select.


I have a question.. How do you change the colour of the frames that appear as cyan in the templates please or are they just place holders for the design?



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Day 6


Quick translation:


Of course we shouldn't forget the flowers in Appeltern.

There are thousands species of flowers and plants in more than 200 example gardens to have a look at on more than 10.000 m²!

Don't you know yet what you would like, you can find inspiration in the park, but online, on Appelterns site you can find a encyclopedia where you can

read more about plants, flowers, shrubs and trees.


Is this a bit too much information, you can't make up your mind, you can hire an gardener to give you garden advice.

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Fiona Thanks for the comment. I can almost smell that fresh lavender. As far as changing the color of the frame I assume you just mean the narrow line of the frame. I just use the color changer tool. Just select the frame layer and activate the color changer tool selecting the color you want. Then click on the frame on the page. It should change the color for this kind of frame. There may be a better way, but it works for me.
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With regard to changing the colour of the blue frame. Select the layer. Lock the transparency, by clicking the  yellow padlock above the layers. Select either the paint bush, and brush around with your colour of choice, or flood fill. Deselect the lock transparency, before moving onto anything else.
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Corrie, I do like the two coloured title, the white letters are a perfect match on the dark wood chips. You could have resized the masks by using the new layer group tool. To make more room on the left. I also like the gradient going from white to pink, not to clash with the pink text. As I would say, you are using your noggin'. Lol
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Fiona - there are a couple of different ways to change the color of the frame.  The one I use most is I use the 'lock' on the layer and then fill it with the color paint I want to use.    Hope that made sense.  See attached picture.
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Gosh it has been fun perusing all the beautiful work ... same templates and so many different results and I love them all.  You really are a creative bunch.


This is my day 6.  The blurb offers enough info without me repeating it here.  I did want to keep to a consistent background colour for the magazine but with this photo the sage green was a far better blend.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D

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Fiona, it is good that you understand the Text tool enough to tweak the technique in order to keep the text legible. And glad that you figured out the tutorial for the four sections.


Minka, that photo is perfect for those four "panes".


Ann S., where did you play with shadows? I don't see that on the pages.


Val, what will you do tomorrow? It is a 7 day challenge after all! :)


Paul, glad to see you post your projects. If you ever encounter issues, don't hesitate to post. You will see how supportive and helpful this community is and you will surely get a quick response (we have members in most time zones!) On some of your pages, is it possible that you squished the photos vertically to make it fit in the templates? Can you just review that? it is always better to lose a little bit on the bottom than to squish anyone. Check out this blog post about resizing without distorting.


Sue, I am always delighted to see your pages and how you tweak them with so many different techniques. The result is is always fantastic.


Anne L., that was a creative and effective way to tweak the mask. The result is stunning.


Art, rotating the template is definitely a common tweak in this challenge. And the result is great too!


Monique, that is a beautiful photo to use for that four-panes mask.


Corrie, that is an interesting treatment of the text with a mix of uppercase, lowercase and underline. And it works well.


Gerry, that magazine is definitely a trip down memory lane for you. For us, we discover a furry family of yours.


Annie, did you use a blend mode for the title of that Mitchells Falls? Personally, I find it makes it hard to read (unless it is just due to the resizing).


Pirkko, this challenge started last Monday, and the templates and tutorials are part of it. All the participants did register previously. The registration is now closed for this challenge, but if you keep an eye on this forum and your emails, we will have a Bootcamp in September, in addition to several interesting activities to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the site. Don't hesitate to join in the games in the forum too (like the Alphabet game!).

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Thank you Anne, Sue and Val (sorry if I haven't caught up with all comments yet) for your tips on colour changing the frame layer. In the end I used Sue's method with the paintbrush and the locked layer.


I have created another version for my Day 6 which I hope you will all like and it is following inspiration from Carole to illustrate a recipe, expanding on my theme from Garden to Kitchen.


I grew some carrots so thought even if my page doesn’t hit the biscuit, then perhaps my late friend’s recipe for carrot cake will. You must try it. Delish! If you can't read the small text on the image download then here it is:-


Jenny’s Carrot Cake




6oz (171g)           Sunflower oil


6oz (171g)           Caster sugar


8oz (227g)           Fresh, grated carrots


6oz (171g)           Plain flour


3                              Beaten, large eggs


1 Tsp (4g)             Cinnamon


1 Tsp (4g)             Bicarbonate of Soda


1 Tsp (4g)             Baking powder


1 Tsp (4g)             Salt


1 Tsp (4g)             Vanilla essence


4oz (113g)           chopped walnuts






Beat oil, sugar and vanilla essence.


Add flour, cinnamon, salt, bicarb, baking powder, eggs, grated carrots, walnuts.


Turn into 8” (20cm) cake tin.


Cook on Gas Mk 4 (180°C) (350°F) for about 1 hour and 20 minutes.






2oz (57g)              Butter


3oz (85g)              Philadelphia cream cheese


4oz (113g)           Icing sugar


½Tsp (2g)             Vanilla essence


Whole walnuts to decorate.




When cake is cool add topping. Decorate with walnuts.

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Carole - Hope you like my last page!  I had it in mind from the beginning.


Fione - YUM on the carrot cake.  Thanks for sharing.


Everyone - I am so amazed at how different the layouts are for each person.  I really have learned so much just looking at them.  Thank you all!


I decided to lay out my magazine.  Now I have posted the double pages here... understanding that my Page 1 would be more like a table of contents and not part of this challenge.  Though I am going to take this and continue with it filling in the gaps as it is easy and quick.  So glad I joined this as I am always one to use embellishments and this is certainly just as wonderful and tells the story.


And I have also included my Day 7 Layout.  Variation of day 3.



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