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August PALETTE Challenge


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This month, instead of a COLOR challenge, I am adding more colors for you to play with. So, use this color palette to create combinations of paper designs, different flowers, ribbons, frames. Being from the same palette, those colors SHOULD blend in together, so what will you create, using this palette?




This palette is called Winter Morning. Why have it in August? Simply because it is winter for our Aussie friends and they are often ignored when we have seasonal themes, so if you are from down under, this is your season. If not, you can still dream of cooler weather.

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I love the colours in this colour palette.  They are not colours I usually play with but I am up for the challenge.  Here in Australia it is the southern states that get hit with the frosty weather and especially Tasmania.  This photo of a wombat waddling along in the Tasmania snow was too cute so I just had to do something with it.  The background paper is my own following Cassel's tut for blocking.  The flower elements are out of a beautiful kit from GTD - Inked.  The font used for the title is Kaligraphia Galana Tres.  The torn paper is from Pixel Scrapper recoloured to suit the theme.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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Ann, they are all lovely!


Annie, fantastic combination of the colors and that font is great! It is suppost to be summer overhere, but this years summer hasn't been great sofar. Today it was raining again after a couple of nice days! I'm doing the magazine challenge right now but if time allows I'll certainly try this palette because I like the colors and it doesn't need to be about winter....

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Congratulations, Diana, on your anniversary.   The 18th would have been mine, too.  :)  Happy day to you both and flowers and champagne are a great way to do it up!  LOL




I am only just now getting around to the Palette Challenge ... I had fun with it making my own template and then filling it.  I also used Carole's Background maker script.



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I wanted to used this palette but had almost forgotten about it! The magazine challenge was so nice to do and some days it was nice weather over here. Overall the summer hasn't been great, so when we have a couple of nice days I want to be outside and forget about the PC. But now it is raining again and cold for the time of the year!


I used the all colors of the palette, a photo of blackberries on the heath and  a template from Pixelscrappers. The background has a blinds effect (horizontal and vertical) which is not very visible on this reduced page. A paper with a motive made with polkadots and two papers filled with a color from the palette. I made a flair button and the fonts are Cute Butterfly Monogram, Aynilla and Berlin Sans.I gave the text a little bit of shadow to make it easier to read.

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OK - love the colors in this palette and as I'm quarentined again, maybe in these last August days I will try my hand.  Annie - always love your stuff - the Wombat layout is great.


Minka - glad to see you post again and that picture and layout is very romantic - love it.


Corrie - beautiful with the lucious blackberry - love berries - raspberry is my favorite (to eat) - loved my time in the UP when we would go berry picking in the summer and then come home and eat them with homemade ice cream! Yummy!


Ann - always like what you do.

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This is  my last project for August. I'm going through a polaroid photo phase at the moment. Although I love flowers, I find  seed pods intriguing, with their earth tones, and  structures.  I used all the colours. Created the bee trail, scotch tape, word art, and  it's frame.  I'm all up to date with my projects.  The mouse is poised  ready for the Big 10 celebration!
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