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June PALETTE Challenge


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This month, instead of a COLOR challenge, I am adding more colors for you to play with. So, use this color palette to create combinations of paper designs, different flowers, ribbons, frames. Being from the same palette, those colors SHOULD blend in together, so what will you create, using this palette?




These colors, although they remind me of the beach, with the blue/aqua for the water, and the beiges for the sand, could also be used as neutral to enhance a colorful photo. What will you do?

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I took you at your word and played around with these colors just for fun.  After using many things including effects I wound up with this.  I was not planning on actually posting anything from that particular play time, (so I didn't keep track of what I did )but I like this one so well I even have it as my P C background.  I have no idea what I will use it for but I am sure I will use it at some point.
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I found a painting by Natalie Jane Parker which had all of the colours from the palette.  Using the painting, the kaleidoscope effect, magic wand and a couple of colour changes I came up with this pattern which is seamless ... oh, and I did add a texture.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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I'm doing something different with this palette and use it for the Travel Tale Challenge. I like to have  coherent colors  for the challenges that have a theme and this palette let me show my photos in a nice manner. So all the explanations will go there. I just posted this one here to let you know what I'm up to.
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Colour palette challenge. It was a bit of a challenge for me, finding photos that would work in harmony with the colours. I found these two photos, which has a hint of all the colours of the palette in them. Including a hint of orange on some of the ducklings. I used Carole's ribbon factory, knotted ribbon, and custom brad scripts. I found a png of the duck sitting on a nest, selected it and deleted from the label. Carole's corner punch. To add a little whimsy to the LO I tilted the label, giving the impression the one screw was holding it in place, while the other screw had been dislodged. I intertwined the ribbon around the ivy. Mother Mallard duck with her 9 ducklings.
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Thanks Annie for your lovely comment :)!

I was a surprised to see the result only by playing a bit with colors


Another try with music instruments. We had a challenge in 2019 and I didn't come over Day 2, so I didn't use this part.

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