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What are you working on (in April 2021)?


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I have often found, in my own humble opinion, that it surely depends on what you are going to do with a piece - if you want shading on it.  For computer viewing, it almost always looks better ... more depth, richer tones, etc. with shading.  But there are instances where I put absolutely no shading on things as I know they are going to be mass printed and sometimes printing does not treat shading kindly.  It gives more of a blurred effect than the range of depth we might be achieving online.  I have numerous times had a label or project returned to me asking for shading to be removed.  Especially with text on labels.   Just saying.  It depends on the piece, style and what you might be creating it for.  Okay, I'll be quiet now.
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Okay, pay no attention to the cats.  LOL  I just bought some blue willow salt and pepper shakers and they are sitting in front of me.  Quick inspiration.  Anyway, the folded edges worked ever so much better!  Thank you, Carole.  A few more times and I will get better at it. :)
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It was a week of not doing much scrapping, the weather was nice for a change; now it is cold an raining again. So we went for a couple of walks with a coffee to go. I also had my second birthday without any visitors due to the lockdown. But it was a nice day after all with a lot of calls, mail, videocalls, flowers and we ordered dinner. The best  gift however was the opportunity to make an appointment for my 1 covid shot which is scheduled for April 19. Hurrah....


I just made myself a new logo for putting on the back of the cards I make. The one I have was made way back when you got a simple painting option in an old windows version. I used that one for about 20 years or so. Time for a new one. At that time I started making cards using a German program called Data Becker, which no longer exists. And before that I made my cards with paper and scissors.

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Corrie, very nice logo.  It's bright and cheerful, I love the alternating pastel colours of the flowers.


I do mine differently, each one corresponds with  the  front cover of each card.   For example the fox was on the front cover, so I used  him in  the logo.  I always like to date the cards too.

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A beautiful page Sue. It is funny here in the Southern Hemisphere, Spring doesn't generate as much enthusiasm as up North. My joy is in Autumn and Winter and I would guess that is because the weather is so moderate during those seasons. Spring and Summer are blistering so best to get all the gardening etcetera done in the Autumn and Winter months. I wish you all the joy of a Northern Spring my friend. ;)
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A delightful page Minka and a beautiful use of colour. Confessing our sins draws attention to the flaws ... I would not have noticed had you not pointed it out ... just thought it was the way you intended. Background, blending, everything about it is beautiful. Well done my friend. ;D
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Very sweet logo Corrie ... I hope you get to use it often. I am happy you are having the COVID immunisation if that is what you want. I have decided not to go that path. We are all so different on so many levels. I find myself way more accepting of personality quirks these days and have discovered the love that goes with it. Judgement free and respect for all ... feels good. Much love dear Corrie. ;D


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I have to show off the customized floppy bows I have created, with the help of Cassel's script. The ribbons are my own creation, either using a Lab or Creative Scrap tut or playing with the palettes of my bird plaids. I have more to go but here's a taste. Plus I also have a custom sig:
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I kind of cheated on The Belt Story; I knew what I wanted to do, but I didn't have the time. I used a book mockup from Freepik and filled it with one of Carole's square and angles patterns. I've got to say that I've never searched for that many belts in my life! lol. The fonts are Casanova Serif Display free from MyFonts, and Simian Display free from Dafont. To tell you the truth, I'm really not that thrilled with it. Any suggestions? Given the time I might go back and work on it for practice.


Solid Satin was inspired by Carole's Reunion Quick Page. I know it doesn't look anything like the QP, but sometimes that's how inspiration goes. The flower and the overlay on the background page are from Bits and Pieces in the A Love For Layouts Blog Train from Jan 2021. The font is Alisa Slant Demo, but I don't know where I got it. Unlike The Belt Story, I was very pleased with the results for this one. Sometimes it just comes together.

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Thanks, Ann. I ran out of time before I could do something about that dreadful background and the woman is actually a character from the game who is an author. It was the closest I could get for an editor LOL. I appreciate your comments.
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Michele - Not my style really to critique someone else's work ... and I am not.  Just gotta say, when you see something that's pretty much perfection, you have to say so.  Solid Satin is a knock completely out of the ballpark!  Home run!  First you had a fabulous and stunningly beautiful subject to work with, but you showcased her in a dramatic yet simple way.  She is a Fabulous Diva for sure!  Loved it.
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I have paid attention to all the lab works done by you fabulous ladies, Karon especially, as she worked through many of them.  I hope to have a bunch of time this summer when I return to Maine to play with those.  For now, I have been concentrating on all the scripts I purchased.  Not even worrying so much as to the projects ultimate finished look really, just continuing to learn how to install them, open them, use them, manipulate them, etc.  That alone is great fun. I have purchased quite a few and still am not successful on a couple.  I'll probably have to bother Carole about them one day ... but I am still trying to figure them out on my own for now.  Seems like just as I get one somewhat mastered, she comes out with another beauty you just HAVE to get!  LOL  I mean, really, foliage and flowers at the touch of a finger? What could be be better?  I played with the large scale puzzle before, but now playing with the smaller scale ones.  Going to try the round one after this.
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Oh, my goodness, Minka. I am speechless after your comments. Thank you so very much. I don't hit home runs often so I so appreciate what you said. It was pure dumb luck that I ran across those beautiful pictures. Half the time it takes me longer to find the proper subject matter for the daily theme I'm given. Believe it or not I found her on a makeup artist's site. I never know where I'm going to find the inspiration.


I recently purchased Carole's jigsaw scripts. They are such fun to work with. The picture you used is gorgeous! I see the background as sand; was that your intention? I love it.

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I love everyone's work. You are all so creative. This week I decided to play with the Dispersion script. The photos aren't great  'cause I took them with my cell phone looking into the sun and I was pretty far away from my subjects. I also used the Folded paper script - I need more practice with that.
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I couldn't believe what I read in Carole's newsletter, 80 posts in what are you working on in April, already! So many wonderful pages,  and elements.  An absolute feast for the eyes.  Well done all of you.


Anne I have that bow script, it's one of 3 that I have, and it's  my favourite bow.


Michelle, I absolutely love both the pages, as for the  Solid Satin page, you did an exemplary job.  Personally, I  wouldn't change the belt story page, not even the background.


Annie,  Once again thank you. I feel that after almost 7 months of winter,  myself and everyone else  long to see the  changes that Spring fetches.  There isn't any happy medium weather wise here, with two extremes, 30 below 0r 30  above.  Spring is very short lived, and so is Autumn, winter and summer dominate the seasons. Like the UK, you have a more  moderate climate.   I do like your watermark, it's quite unique.  I do have a water mark, rarely use it.  For the cards that I print, what I create on the back isn't really a logo, but a creation of endearment for the recipient of the card. Also  when they look back on their cards, years down the road, they have the date for reference.

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Been working all day on the April Song Challenge-Walk. Here’s These Boots Are Made For Walking and all the various artists that followed on the heels of Nancy Sinatra who made it famous first. The interesting one was the thrash metal group Megadeath who put it in an album in the ’80s and got censured by YouTube for rude lyrics!  ;-)  Those are the lyrics that are on my layout.   I used Cassel’s music background in sepia, a border background created from the Megadeath art, a few musical notes in Picture Tubes and the rest is all found art on Google which I curved using Cassel's script.
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