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March SCAVENGER HUNT Challenge


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I am offering you a scavenger hunt where you have to find some elements and combine them to create a layout or a project. Are you up to the challenge? Although you don't have to create those elements, you also have that option, so either you use what you have downloaded or you can still make them from scratch. Your end result must include ALL of those elements ;). I added some links to tutorials (only accessible to our DIAMOND members) but you can also use elements created from scripts.

striped paper (that should be easy enough without a tutorial!)

folded edge (tutorial here )

stamped text (tutorial here)

chain stitching (tutorial here)

sand (tutorial here)

You can choose any theme you want, so what will you create with those elements?

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Hello Scrapbook Campers.  This is my take on the scavenger hunt challenge.  It was fun to do and I think I shall have another go.  Thanks for takin a peek.  (the font used for the title is Cocktails)


Marie-Claire you have done a lovely job my friend.

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Here is  my scavenger hunt page.  I aged the one photo, using sepia, although both photos were taken yesterday morning.  I used a blur and  lowered the opacity of the  striped paper, which I created,  as the colours were to bold for the  LO. I have  a couple of old papers which I aged a bit more, added the  folded edge.  I even created a crease in the  photos, and dog eared  one corner.  Sand text, with some loose sand  around it.  I didn't quite know  what to do with the  chain stitching.  I had created the  stitch years ago, all I had to do was  select it in the brushes.
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Terrific use of colours with this one Lynda ... bright and happy ... kinda makes ya wanna sit on a deck sipping cocktails! It does look a beautiful place Lynda and the photo of the lighthouse is lovely. Enjoyed perusing and thanks for your kind words on my page. ;D
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Thank you ever so much Annie for you kind comment.  I can't keep up, as every time I visit the forum it's a hive of activity. So many fabulous, unique creative pages being posted.  Winter is slowly moving away, making way for Spring,  which means I'm out more than I'm in.  Nice to catch up with you.  Take care, keep up the fabulous work and happy psping.
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Dear Sue, you are very welcome my friend. You are into Spring and we are into Autumn and a very wet one it is. I am grateful that I live in the South Burnett region of Queensland as the areas to the south of us are trying to cope with unprecedented floods. Our planet is really giving voice to her lack of appreciation for our abuse of her. That is the way of it. History repeats itself over and over ... when will we ever learn. The best we can do is give her love and appreciation for the beauty that she readily showers upon us! ;D
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One more for the scavenger hunt challenge.  Again I had fun creating for this challenge.  Font used for the title is Moteefe.  I really enjoy overlaying images that fit in with the theme.  I followed the mangrove ecosystem food web to locate appropriate images and then reduced the saturation to grayscale and eliminated white.  I had to do this in PSP17 because the plugin will not work in 2021.  The photos are from an Australian tourism site and are pictures of mangroves in Queensland - left is sunrise and right is sunset.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
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Marie-Claire, this is a great layout, and I love your photos!


Ann, both of your layouts are lovely!


Annie, what a creative and fun layout. I love it!


Lynda, I love the colors and the photos...Great layout!


Sue, beautiful layout as always... I am a big fan of your photos!





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Thanks, Sue. It sure is great what we are learning from each other. I have yet to "help" anyone. But, hey, I will go back to the Labs and see what I can come up with. One of the things I learned from the labs is to make a tube with an element that begins small and increases in size (to a limit) before it goes back to small again. I did it with red hearts.
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  • 3 weeks later...

The kit I used is called ‘Enjoy the Ride” by Sexy and Hot Mama Scraps.  I used Cassels Fold edge script for the folded paper.  The font I used is called Brush King.


The picture of Lover’s Leap came from Joey Bls blogspot.com and the picture of the sand dune and Lake Superior I took last September.  We took a girl’s weekend trip and went to the Upper Peninsula Michigan.  It was my first-time seeing Lake Superior.  To see how beautiful and colorful the rocks and sand dunes are at Painted Rock you really have to take a boat out.


No matter how many times I watched the folded paper video I could not get my folds right.  It drove me crazy.  I just couldn’t figure out how to get the middle piece to lay right after I cut it.  It just didn’t look right which makes me thankful for Carole’s scripts.

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