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Love Story Challenge 2021


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Here is my day 6 and Ann we must have had the same idea! At first I tried a darker color for the background but found that it overpowered my photo and so I did one with an almost white color. That suited the glacier much more, it gave an icy/snowy feel to it. Further a very thin frame, picture tube for the rope and an ice-axe from Pixabay. The font is the same as on all the pages a Dream Koda and Bahnscript for the subtext.


Carole, I used the same waterbrushes as before and used the opacity setting that solved the problem. But this time that did nothing, so I then set the opacity to the original intended 100 and hurray it worked. I think your gremlins decided to pay me a visit! No, no, in the end I think there must have been some kind of update running in the background! And thanks for upgrading me to Enthousiast!


Annie, thanks for all your comments on my pages, yours were fab too. All the pages are lovely and so different.


Now up to day 7

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Day 7- I enjoyed learning another new way to create a mask and background paper. I struggled with creating a custom color font. I never figured it out. So, I went with white. I thought it would add more balance to my image if I could stroke the outside of my scalloped photo with white. But, I don't know how to do that either. So instead, I create a duplicate image shape, flooded it with white, made it a little bigger, and offset it just a little behind my photo. I have learned a lot during this challenge process, and I have enjoyed seeing everyone's work.
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I'm ending on a sort of "Lovie" ending... appropriate for Valentine's Day, I guess! Again ... even though it was a second time around, Carole, I am willing to bet we ALL learned something new. I know I did. A big thank you to everyone who participated and shared. We learn best from one another and hearing how you went about it. Some really talented folks and all your hard work paid off for some absolutely beautiful posts. Thank You!


I had a horse brush that I planned on using on this one ... but man, it just didn't work out. I've been outside most of the day watering everything in the front yard and back which were all gasping from this dry and hot spell. I'm done for the day - so I am leaving singing. Yikes ... I promise I won't post that!

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I love colors, but this image may be too busy. I made the heart pattern from a heart that I drew. I couldn't read the text, so I used a shape in my PSP shape files and filled it with white and blue. The frame is from a PSP script. I added some drop shadow to the mask. I used "multiply" for the circle layer.
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Day 6 - I'm doing Sammy again.  This time it is Family Christmas party 2017.  Sammy loves the camera.  Enlarged the photo with 2021 AI.  Softened the paper.  Used the Paint Brush snowflakes and didn't put them on a separate layer (that's a baddy).  Drew the frame with a paint brush (vertical line) and added a smaller snowflake in the corner.  I did do the frame on a separate layer.  Used Mama font for both title and date.


Sure do love seeing all the pages in this challenge.  Everyone is so creative.


Euka Euka - so glad to see you back.

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Hi Carol .........I believe the heart brush did came with PSP ..i looked in the brush folder after selecting it and this is what it's called "Brush4 -052 PSP Brush . I have 4 different version of PSP starting with PSPx2 when i started out about 10-11 years ago ,but never really fully learned how to use the program !! I had always liked to make "Tags" way back when for a online thing called "Piczo"and there was a E-Mail Program called "Incredimail" .were you could make your own stationary ....not sure if anybody remembers those  or even heard about them .Also when you asked what Font i might of used in the first Challenged i posted ..that wasn't a font ...it was already put together as a PNG file .I have learned already quite a bit from you in this Challenge ..glad i signed up !!


Thank you







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Susan, I don't think you did anything wrong. The challenge is probably just that it was almost in the center of the mask so it looks like you have printed on top of the image but in fact, it shows the paper underneath.


Euka, the glyphs are not readily available in PSP. You have to go through the Character Map to access them. Check this blog post for instructions. And yes, masks can be used in smaller areas, which is not what happens when we use the "Load mask" command. I am glad to see you catching up quickly!


Monique, once you save and close the image, you cannot undo anymore. However, you can surely duplicate the shadow from another image and move it to the third picture. Or, if you duplicated the template, you can just copy and paste that "missing" layer.


Cristina, that "wood" paper is perfect for that PICNIC layout!


Sue, it is interesting to see that the very light color makes for a great looking lino design. Yes, I didn't address the rotation adjustment for a pattern when creating a "polkadot". That is why I used just the simple dots.


Jnet, I love how you used "incomplete" frames on your Day 6 layout. Did you erase the frame or layered it under the mask?


Laurie, there are MANY more ways to create background papers with PSP. You should ask Mary. There are 68 tutorials inside the DIAMOND membership JUST for background papers! For the custom color font, do you mean having different colors for different words/characters? Although you can do it with the Text tool, you can also do it on a rasterized version, like explained in this post.


Anita, it was a great way to place the clock on the kaleidoscope design of your paper. Your cat on the Eiffel tower definitely made me smile!


Ann S. you definitely HAD to use those photos in your final layout. I hope it is not really the last one you make and share with Logan.


Jennifer, you are surely documenting old stories in a much more interesting way that JUST photo or JUST text!


Lynda, that is a beautiful photo and poem to share.


Corrie, that almost-white paper pattern is perfectly suited for the theme of your Day 6.


Minka, I also see how the community members help each other, either with answers to questions or by sharing their process. Everyone wins!


Donna, although the angles hearts are great, IF you use a design that needs to stay straight, the trick is to rotate it on your little image by 45 degrees to the left, then when you choose an angle of 45 in the Materials palette, it will put it back straight.


Alicia, I love how you combined the extraction and the mask on the Day 4 page. For the Day 3, did you hand draw that fun frame?


Mary, you did great for the frame. I bet you used that "straight line" trick to draw it! (otherwise, you would have an incredibly steady hand!)


Gabriella, I also did some tags and some stationary with PSP when I started. Those stationary designs went out the window with the newest email programs. As for tags, I personally find that they don't have as much "purpose" as digital scrapbooking, which is why I now focus on that. I am glad you learned to be more comfortable with PSP. There is so much to learn. You can ask any of our long-timers. Even after years and years, they keep saying "Oh I didn't know about this".

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Day 7.  This is one of the few photos that I actually do possess.  Jasper was a real little character and a very intelligent little man.  He was 11 1/2 when he passed and the cause was unknown but it was very quick so I know that his suffering was limited.  I miss my little fella but I have reminders of him pop up all the time ... love is kinda like that.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;)
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Aww shucks ... what can I say ... there are just too many lovely pages to comment on individually. It really has been a pleasure to sit here with cup of coffee in hand and peruse the pages created by the dedicated members of the campus. Babies, children, couples, cats, dogs, horses, scenery ... you name it, it has been here and each one unique despite the same tutorials. Well done everyone, I love them all. ;D
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Annie, thanks for your kind remarks. Yes she was a cutie, Finally I have left the black and whites and now  into some colour on my day 5.  I am a little behind this time but I have had some other pressures going on. Also being summer the garden doesn't wait for psp.  I am also enjoying your posts and yes I remember you telling about  your precious little fellow.
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All of the pictures this week have featured my great-nieces/nephews. The Day 7 project features my nieces, their mothers.


Carole: Thanks, as always, for a fun and challenging week. It's always a pleasure to learn new things and see the works of all the participants.


Font: Autour One. Frame: Pixelscrapper - Sharon-Dewi Stolp, Picnic Day Wood Veneer.

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Day 6...my nephew Alfred and I on the Rock 'N' Roller Coaster at Walt Diney World's Hollywood Studios in 2011. We were in the second row, so I put the text over the two people in front of us to help draw the eye to us. He is now preparing to graduate from college...how the time flies
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Monique, glad to see you back to scrapping!


Annie, a lovely tribute to Jasper.


I'm a bit sad this challenge is over now. I have learned many new things and I hope to put them to good use. I loved seeing all those nice, interesting, moving pages. Carole thank you so much.


This is day 7.  I did not know this new manner to move a mask, I just copied my mask and then merged down and moved it. I liked the way Carole gave her mask a little blur  and I did likewise; I didn't know that you can do that. To make the polkadot paper I tried some colors and settings and at some point forgot to do it on a new layer. I really liked the effect I got and decided to keep it. Furthermore a simple frame, text and a little angel. As I had the same theme for this 7 days I used the same fonts on every page.


See you all around

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Well, Day 7 is done.  Yes, I agree - much learned.  Saved this new mask which I found interesting.  May use it again some time.  Really liked the paper and saved it.  Used Curlz MT for the Title and Segoe Script for the description and of course Arial for the date.  Had fun playing with Carole's Music picture tubes.  Music is a love in this family and we play with friends as well.  Thanks, Carole, for the teaching.  I think I will play around with that plaid for more paper.  Actually, I am sorry the Challenge is over, but I will go back to the Labs.
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Thanks dear Corrie. I have enjoyed every page you have presented for this challenge and this last one is no exception. Like yourself I am sorry this challenge has come to an end. I enjoy them immensely and learn a lot from them. Not to worry as I expect Carole will come up with something else before too long. ;)
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