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What are you working on (in November 2020)?


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Sorry been so absent and hope I managed to get everyone. All the work you have done is so very special and delightful to see. On a side note, our granddaughter is graduation from university next month (after only 3 years) and will be getting a bachelor's in secondary education and a bachelor's in English pedagogy. So very proud of her.


Sue...Love colder weather. If I had my way we would move to Alaska, LOL. Your family must really enjoy getting your very special Christmas cards. Fantastic job on the grouse, Xmas card 3-1, sparrow, bluejay, and owl. In awe of your subway art.


Ann Seeber...Lovely pic of the mockingbird. So lucky you can take the pictures from your window. Wow, what a great job on the extraction and awesome layout. Cute pictures of the titmouse birds. Love the first one. Looks like they are checking you out. A darling November page. I tend to use the kits I have purchased over the years (mainly to make the purchase worthwhile, LOL). Nice work on your fall visitors page. The colors work well together and evoke a very autumnal feeling. Loving the subway art and the quotes you chose. I really need to try it sometime.


Fiona...Great job with the effects from the Beautiful Mess master class. Can't wait to see how you use them.


Annie...Thank you so very much Annie. Such a cute Christmas card and envelope. You did great. Fabulous papers using the script. Looks lovely on both the silver and gold background. You have certainly been busy. Love how you chose to make your subway art.


Lynda...Awesome ornament. Really like how you used it with Carole's seamless script. Makes a beautiful paper. The bells make a perfect paper too. Seems you are enjoying the flower script. They are so nice.


Corrie...Hopefully by this time your hubby has returned home and recuperating nicely. Beautiful flowers. I may have to break down and get the script.


Minka...Lovely calendar page. Gorgeous picture you used.


Art...Great way to use the subway art. Nicely done.


Bonnie...Your subway is nicely done and it doesn't necessarily need a frame.



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Hi Scrapbook Campus.  Played around with another Alicia Mujica tube today.  Scrap kit was Natural Breeze by Carena from DigiDesignResort, layout by Elif Sahin from Pixel Scrappers, background paper was created following Carole's tut Simple Blocking and using the papers from the scrap kit.  Font for the title is Batik Deco.  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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Karon, thank you ever so much for your very kind comments on my ecards.  I create  them for  5x7 photo paper, ideal size for the recipients to print them off. They do love  the cards I make, they look forward every year, as no two cards are ever the same. I doubt they  realize the amount of time,  and thought  that goes into  them unlike a fellow PSPer.  I often add in a letter these words,  The card I have created especially for you, which doesn't have any monetary value, saying that, it's  much more than a card, the love, thought and time that went into creating it, is priceless.
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A different  envelope this time, rounded edges.  Carole has an envelope tutorial in the creative scrap.  Once you get to grips with the basics, you can  be a adventurous, and creating all sorts of different envelopes.  The same applies to  all of Carole's tutorials.  Carole also has a postage stamp tutorial.  Again  I used the beautiful mess masterclass techniques for the  background paper.   I created the  frame, added Carole's Xmas lights tubes, and some elements.  The robin is my own, which I extracted from a photo. The background paper was created using  a selection from the Junco, native sparrow photo, fading foreground in white  gradient, with snow added.  In case you can't read the  text at the bottom, it reads,  Christmas is not so much about opening our presents as opening our hearts.
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Thank you ever so much Annie,  for your uplifting, complimentary comments on the  subway art.  I love  creating word art, and  playing with fonts, to embellish frames, and borders.   Your comment on my Xmas card making overwhelmed me, in a  wonderful way, I thank you my dear friend.  I'm fortunate to live in a  place where winters, transform into a winter wonder land, of ice and snow, and  creatures that inspire me.  You are entering your summer months, which are now are a  distant memory for me.  I embrace winter here, even though it lasts almost  7 months. I love the paper you created, the  simple block tutorial is cool, I love the darker colours used, yet the whole layout resonates  hot summer days to me. That is how I perceived your page.  All the pages summitted on here, are a feast for the eyes.
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Due to the Covid virus, Canada post recommended that all International post be sent much sooner this year.  I've sent  my calendars, and cards.  In this page I used masks, and extractions, the background paper is a photo which I blurred, and lowered the opacity.  White tail deer.
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Lynda, I made the red flower with a ribbon from cas-CustomKitRibbons- Sample07. It was a freebie sometime ago and don't remember exactly when. Sorry to answer just now, my time is very limited with my husband still in hospital. It should have been a short stay, about 3 days but due to complications  it are already 12 days. It is not life threatening but very disappointing and he is not recovering enough to come home. So I'm not visiting the Campus much in these days.


Thanks everybody for their comments!

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I decided to revise an old layout called Good Deeds which I used the topic of the adoption of my big black tomcat, Adam, as my "good deed" because he had been shunted aside and ignored for 2 years at the animal shelter. I completely revised the journaling (this was part of the "stories" assignments back at the end of August) I added the official Pine Island welcome sign and I revised the photo of Adam at the top which originally had a wide, brown matte and frame. Just diddling around! ;D
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Thanks Annie. Darth B is now 16 and still a Star Wars fan. Love the Brigitte layout. So very cute.


Sue, more delightful cards. I adore the addition of stamps to the Let it Snow card.


Ann Seeber, what a wonderful "Good Deed" and beautiful layout. Adam is surely lucky to have you.

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What else can I say other than your cards, envelopes and pages are truly beautiful Sue ... your work always gets a huge thumbs up from me ... and is a sheer delight to view.

Our Spring is all but finished here in Australia and the heat is already cranking up. Windows and doors remain closed and fans circulate at top speed. Curtains remain closed too otherwise the heat off the windows intensifies the heat inside. Not many cool spots to be found and no rain to date. The yard already looks like a desert with only the weeds thriving. This extended drought period seems to be affecting the Wide Bay Burnett region only as other parts of Australia have experienced flooding. Go figure, climate is an amazing thing. Funny though, I do love it in kinda the same way as Precious Ramotswe loves Botswana. I don't know whether you have read any of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series but they really are innocent and precious. Author is Alexander McCall Smith.

Prattled enough when all I really meant to say was ... YOUR WORK IS WONDERFUL!

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I love this page Ann, well done. Adam is a very lucky cat, paw out at just the right time ... I think it was definitely a signal ... hey, I'm here stop looking at anything else and take me home! I have a black cat named Izzy and I agree with you about their intelligence as she is a master at the art of manipulation! ;D
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Thank you so much Annie, it's much appreciated and means a great deal to me.  I do the same as you, as our summers are very hot,  30c plus at its hottest.  I close curtains, cook outside. I have 5 slow cookers,  which live in the  garage  during the summer months.   Jacket potatoes, stews,  rice pudding,  shredded beef and pork, is delicious  cooked in a slow cooker for  up to 8 hrs or more depending on the size of the joint. Anything to keep the house cool.  We have fans and central air conditioning.    Even the horses have fans in the stable, and heated watering bowls for the winter, for when the temps drop to  30 below.  I posted a page in the November random  page too. You take care, and stay cool.
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With Thanksgiving all but here I thought I would make a card and envelope to commemorate such and to get some practice in as well.  Thanksgiving tubes I have had forever and the background paper I made by using gradients and overlays ... twas fun!  Thanks for takin a peek my friends.  ;D
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Karon, very nice layout, and the background paper is a perfect match to the theme. Great work!


Annie, very nice and colorful layout, my friend. Your card and envelope look amazing, and I love the paper you created. Wonderful job!


Sue, your cards have so many details and techniques that I can almost feel the joy and the fun you have creating them... You sure put a lot of thought into that. Lovely work, my friend!


Ann, beautiful story and layout. Adam is a lucky cat to be with you.

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