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What are you working on (in November 2019)?


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I had a play with the technique idea that Michele shared with us the other day. I thought i would redo a card project that i did some time ago and i followed Michele's instructions up until the scripts as I don't have them. .. so instead i added artistic effects-enamel and Texture effects-texture and was happy with the result. i blurred the end result and reduced the opacity a bit more to create the paper behind the panels and behind the text  but left it at full strength on lower panels.   the sentiment is a digi stamp from a purchased set from Beccy's Place here in Australia.... i really like this technique so i can see me using it many times in the future... Thank you Michele, your sharing lit a spark in my creativity.


best wishes everyone,



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Cristina, there is absolutely nothing I don't love about Santa Is In Town! It's just perfect.


Dawn, I love that you did with the twirl technique. It's really beautiful. So glad I was able to spark your creativity as I miss seeing your projects and you always give me ideas.

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Dawn, you created a beautiful card with the technique that Michele so generously shared with us... I agree with Michele, I also miss seeing more of your projects!


Everybody here is a source of inspiration with all different styles and ideas. I am glad to be part of this group. <3

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Annie thank you so much for your comments... that technique  Michele shared is really great and different results can be achieved each time..... hope you are keeping safe if you are near any of the fires that we are having here in Queensland.... here in Brisbane we have been having a lot of smoke haze.


Michele Thanks again my friend for all your encouragement.


Cristina.. your encouraging comments  are always appreciated very much... Thank you.


Best wishes to you all,





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Love it Annie....wish I could keep my focus like you do when I am learning something. Nope, I go off on tangents. I decided to do a Lab 5 which has a polka dot background thing , got waylaid and ended up with this. I was having trouble remembering how the templates work and had to work on that so my polka dots ended up as a template with a gradient. Go figure! These pictures are photos that I took of my clematis and used pic to painter on.
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What a delightful card you  made Helen.   May I suggest that you use a small inner bevel on the tree trunk, to  round it  slightly.    I was out the other day taking photos, seeing as the weather was  pleasantly mild.  Here is a  macro shot of a tiny wild native Prairie  Aster.  Most of its seeds have  been blown away by the wind.  I framed it last night, and gave it a title.  I added a pattern, and a texture in this frame.  Which  was easy to do.    Flood fill the border with the  colour of your choice, on a new layer flood fill with  the pattern, reduce the opacity of the pattern to about 45-50.  A greyish pattern works best.  1920's pattern comes with  PSP 2018 and 19.   Merge  the two layers visible.  Inner bevel.   To use a  texture in a frame, add borders, flood fill with  the chosen background colour,  magic wand select border,  select  the foreground colour, which should be lighter in colour and TEXURE selected from the material palette and flood fill.  Inner bevel.
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Beautiful photography, beautiful creations. Great work, Everyone!


Once a year Sudley UMC has a turkey/oyster dinner, their only fundraiser. This year was the 97th. The church is located next to the Manassas Battlefields and was used as a hospital during the American Civil War. Friends and I go to the dinner almost every year. We always leave stuffed...delicious food!

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Helen, your card is lovely, and this is a fantastic technique that Carole taught in the last masterclass.


Sue, I love the macro photo and the frame --what's is new? :D -- But what I liked very much is how you did the frame, using color and pattern layers to create it, something I never thought about it.


Bonnie, your layouts are amazing, I love them, and you did create lovely memories for everybody that was part of the games.


I am so, so behind in my projects... there are so many tutorials, techniques I want to practice, but I am having issues with time and creativity. But I am trying! :)

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