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@ Bonnie, in order to turn the grey part as black, just increase the contrast on that mask layer. For the background paper, make sure it is UNDER the whole mask group. Sometimes, it tends to slip in the middle of the group. To help out, click on the tiny arrow to "close" all the layers in the group, so it is less likely to slide the paper inside the group.
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The paper is definitely under the mask layer but appears to cover it. The 2 smaller pics are above the background.


I just followed your instructions above with a different photo and the paper is below the mask area...and does not cover the photo. I don't know what I was doing incorrectly with the page above but it wasn't working. It appears with the new page...it is working. Thank you, Carole.

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Woo hoo! I had a blast with Day 4! Thank you, Carole!


BTW, can I set how often PSP auto saves? I am using X7 and it saves so frequently...I have to sit and wait all the time for it to save. I have searched in settings but cannot find anything.

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I downloaded the brushes, opened the file using winzip.  I failed to open the abr file, in PSP to import them into brushes. I do have another folder all jpegs, of each brush. I'm using  PSP2018.
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I finally got a chance to do Day 1. I don't know if I'll be doing any other days. For one thing, most of my photos are in storage because they weren't digital. Two of the pics I used here were scanned a long time ago. Another thing, I was too emotional while doing this; it took me hours. I am such a sentimental mush. Just looking at everyone else's pics got me a little teary-eyed. <3


~ Michele

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I am so enjoying this class! Loved learning how to do masks from scratch!! Definitely another addicting activity! Here is my page for today. It was taken at a fundraiser we attended for an organization that helps children through their grief process. The photo is of two battery operated candles that we wrote our granddaughter's name on. She died at birth. The paper is called ateets sunporch. Unfortunately, I did not note who the creator was (before I realized you should do this). The frame is from Shabby Princess and is called Festival Swirly Frame.
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Merci Carole, j'ai adoré apprendre à travailler avec les brosses.


Tellement que j'ai fait mon papier de la même manière.


Je ne regrette pas de m'être inscrite car j'apprends beaucoup de choses.


Bravo pour toutes les belles pages ajoutées depuis ma dernière visite





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@ micfin, I am sorry that it makes you so emotional. Maybe you can work with stock photos for now, practice the techniques, and then use your own photos when you have them scanned and when you are feeling more comfortable. No pressure here.


@ Anja, great start! looking forward to the other ones.


@ Bonnie, the autosave settings are under File > Preferences > autosave settings


@ Jennifer, yes, it can be addictive, for sure! May I offer a tiny suggestion on your last page? Add a TINY drop shadow on the text and it will make it stand out more from the background and easier to read. And also, ateets is for Amy Teets, a scrapbook designer who did a lot of kits. Her blog is here: https://amyteetsdesigns.blogspot.ca/ (but not been updated in a while so I suspect she retired.


@ Sandra, it sure is fun. Masks are often unused or underutilized but they can be sooooo useful.


@ Britt Marie, you just discovered the Brush Variance :). It is another palette that is normally hidden that has a ton of settings. Open that palette with F11. In there, check to make sure that the POSITION JITTER at the very bottom is set to 0 (it is probably set to about 100 from looking at your image).

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Remember that if you want to join our Scrapbooking with PSP Facebook group, it is free.


Just answer the three questions and I'll open the door.


Some members are in that group who don't know about the fun of this challenge. Share the love and inspiration there too!

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This one is definitely my favorite so far.  Such fun!


These two are sisters so I didn't want to leave the other one out.  Everything on the 2nd (Jessica) one is from scratch except the photo and the diamond that I framed with a heart.  Not real please with my mask on the second one but I had fun playing with it.  There is also a pattern that I made from the other tutorial but it hardly shows through.

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Mauris in Rotarua New Zealand.

My wife and I cruised from Vancouver, to Hawaii, American Samoa, Figi, New Caledonia, Australia and around NZ. We were in Rotarua NZ on November 4, 2017. The four people are from a photo of us at a Mauri village. The small figure and the background are from the public domain Wikimedia Commons.

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Day 3


Help Cassel ! What is it that I do wrong ?


The background paper is no problem, but I have problem with the masks.

You can hardly see de pictures...

I tried over and over again ...

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@ Marie-Claire. Check your masks and I suspect they are grey on black instead of white on black. Remember that black will block so if there is grey, it is partly black so it will partly block. To change it, you can adjust the contrast (under Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Brightness/contrast) and increase it until the light area is really white. Give that a try.
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hello Everyone! you have all created beautiful pages..... well done!


I found a little photo of my Mum and Dad that would have been taken back in the 1940's to 1950's.  It is black and white and had a few blemishes but I have done my best to make it a bit better.  my Dad passed away in 1967 and my Mum in January of this year.  They were very much in love ..... I was late in registering for this challenge so here is my Day 1


Cassel this technique for the mask is a really  different way to do them .... thankyou for showing us.



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My daughter a very accomplished horsewoman, bought Girile straight from the track as a 5yr old, 18 months later Girlie won her first showing class  at her first show. Once I familiarized myself with  WinZip, I downloaded and installed the brushes.  The beauty of this  technique is that no two masks will ever be the same.  Thank you Cassel!
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