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Testing. Can I post?

I am not sure it is all fixed, but I am still working on it. Stay tuned.

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I think I am getting closer to a fix.

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I created another thread in the "old" forum, while working on this one.

You can either post there now, or wait until this one is fixed. I will monitor both of them.

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Posted (edited)

I commented last night AU time, but it didn’t show so guessing it was due to the hiccup.I’ve got Affinity Photo V1, with Publisher V2. I’m hoping I can still keep up without upgrading until a good deal comes out. 

Edited by Jenny MacKay
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I pretty much set up with the dark background.  I DID change the option for zoom to the mouse wheel, so it will be like my PSP experience.  Haven't found a place to make all the icons and text descriptions, drop downs, etc. BIGGER for those with eyes that are weakening with time.  I fooled around with the windows options and ended up with Layers and Color in a single group and haven't yet figured out exactly how to dock each one as a separate group in and of itself.  I turned on the ruler.  Attached is a screenshot of my "workspace" as it now exists.  Also, I'm not positive yet but might use the other photo in one of the projects.  I noticed that Affinity somehow took over the file associations for .ABR files when I was using File Explorer.  Can't remember but ABRs might not have had an association before I uploaded and installed Affinity.  


Dan - Pictures from Baby Book 32.jpg

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  On 1/13/2025 at 5:27 PM, Cassel said:

Testing. Can I post?

I am not sure it is all fixed, but I am still working on it. Stay tuned.


Here's my Lesson One - Setup Affinity Photo 2 workspace. I prefer the dark background, and I toggled to the color and the layers palettes. I'm not sure what the Navigator at the bottom right is for. 


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  On 1/14/2025 at 2:32 PM, Ann Seeber said:

Here's my Lesson One - Setup Affinity Photo 2 workspace. I prefer the dark background, and I toggled to the color and the layers palettes. I'm not sure what the Navigator at the bottom right is for. 


If you don't know, it means you can probably close it for now (to save space). If you find that you need it later, you will be able to reopen it, like most palettes/panels.

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  On 1/14/2025 at 8:48 PM, Brian Smith said:

Question ... Does Affinity have an UNDO Arrow ....anywhere , rather than FILE ..Undo ..?


It would be under Edit > Undo, or Ctrl-Z like just about any program.

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Here is my Layers Lesson - Table and setting. I do like these components better than the PSP version. I played with my sandwich a bit... 😉 The table decor is from an African kit.


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  On 1/15/2025 at 2:15 PM, Ann Seeber said:

Here is my Layers Lesson - Table and setting. I do like these components better than the PSP version. I played with my sandwich a bit... 😉 The table decor is from an African kit.



Looks great, Ann!

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Posted (edited)

Alright.  It's supposedly fixed.  Gonna post my Sandwich and Project one on this side of the forum now.  Left the sandwich at bare bones...didn't garnish it like I did in the last PSP Boot Camp LOL.  I have come back to edit this and will be changing the Project One Page.  I had not added any shadow.  Done now.



Project One Affinity 600.jpg

Edited by Daniel Hess
Added Shadows
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Posted (edited)

I finished project#1, and to simplify and speed up the process, I created the same layout I did for the  2019 Jul Scrap Bootcamp workshop.

There are minor differences, as PSP has some features I didn't find in Affinity yet.

The kit I used is from Kim Broedelet, "kb-seasideholiday". / Fonts: Bastro & Candy Round BTN.


Affinity Bootcamp Day3 Project#1 600.jpg

Edited by Cristina
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One of the first things I did in PSP was make my own custom toolbar and made sure undo/red were on it. So one of the first things I did in Affinity Photo was see if I could customize the toolbar. You can customize it but undo/redo are not available options. Hate it because I'm not one to use keyboard shortcuts

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Woohoo! Nice to be back. Didn't realize it was fixed so posted my layout in the old forum.

Well, I was able to get a layout done. I used a kit from a designer that retired over 10 years ago. After figuring out that when you drag and drop something into Affinity, you need to rasterize the layer before you can delete, it went quite smoothly. And, I love that you can add a shadow to the text layer even if it isn't rasterized.

Marble Table-600.jpg

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Posted (edited)
  On 1/15/2025 at 5:10 PM, Rene Marker said:

Woohoo! Nice to be back. Didn't realize it was fixed so posted my layout in the old forum.

Well, I was able to get a layout done. I used a kit from a designer that retired over 10 years ago. After figuring out that when you drag and drop something into Affinity, you need to rasterize the layer before you can delete, it went quite smoothly. And, I love that you can add a shadow to the text layer even if it isn't rasterized.

Marble Table-600.jpg


Rene, I had that exact same table for many years. It started out as a piece of marble my folks brought back from a trip to Vermont which was then affixed to a wrought iron Singer Sewing Machine base (with treadle). I had it as an accent table for many years and upon moving to smaller quarters it has now been passed on to my daughter, Laurey, who has it in her entryway. Sadly, I don't have a photo. The sewing machine base was used by my Mom for many years with her wired-up Singer and a separate foot pedal. I do think in the years past it was not electric and the treadle was used. 

Edited by Ann Seeber
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I'm been spoiled with PSP.  Will we be able to use scripts?  This eliminates the opening of pictures and copying into one step (Open As A Layer).  Here's my picture to share for 


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  On 1/15/2025 at 6:10 PM, Ann Seeber said:

Rene, I had that exact same table for many years. It started out as a piece of marble my folks brought back from a trip to Vermont which was then affixed to a wrought iron Singer Sewing Machine base (with treadle). I had it as an accent table for many years and upon moving to smaller quarters it has now been passed on to my daughter, Laurey, who has it in her entryway. Sadly, I don't have a photo. The sewing machine base was used by my Mom for many years with her wired-up Singer and a separate foot pedal. I do think in the years past it was not electric and the treadle was used. 


I know this one was not electric. I honestly don't remember where Mom got it but it had probably belonged to one of her grandmothers. That little piece of info was never written down in the info Mom wrote down about heirlooms she had. I do have a photo of this table in the living room in 1973. I know that the candy making started in the early 70's so that is probably when it was done. These days, it has a lamp on it except for Christmas when I put a table top Christmas tree on it.

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I was going to try the Affinity Bootcamp but when I tried to set up Affinity I kept getting the notice "supported windows version is not found" When I opened the more information there were several things.  I had turned off window updates quite a while ago, because they were interfering with some of my older programs.  I won't try to get a later version update for that reason. If I thought I would be using Affinity long term, I might try to figure something out.  Oh well, I was just going to try the bootcamp to check out the program.  With all the conglomerated problems I have seen here, I don't think it would be a program I would like anyway.  I do this stuff for fun and don't like a lot of stress interfering with my fun.  Thanks Cassel and others too that have tried to help with the issues.

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Here is Layout #1 - Last Thistle Standing - I added a snowy owl I got from pngegg. The font is Bauhaus, the scatters are from AHA-Somewhere in time - the background is from the Iceland Mega Kit. 


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  On 1/15/2025 at 7:30 PM, Anne Lamp said:

I was going to try the Affinity Bootcamp but when I tried to set up Affinity I kept getting the notice "supported windows version is not found" When I opened the more information there were several things.  I had turned off window updates quite a while ago, because they were interfering with some of my older programs.  I won't try to get a later version update for that reason. If I thought I would be using Affinity long term, I might try to figure something out.  Oh well, I was just going to try the bootcamp to check out the program.  With all the conglomerated problems I have seen here, I don't think it would be a program I would like anyway.  I do this stuff for fun and don't like a lot of stress interfering with my fun.  Thanks Cassel and others too that have tried to help with the issues.


Anne, your problem might have been with the installer your were using. There are several different installers for Windows and not knowing there was a difference I downloaded all of them. I tried one of them and got the same error. Then I looked into it and realized the 2 of them were for specific types of windows installation and that the plain old .exe installer was the one I needed. Once I tried it, it worked fine. The instructions are not very clear unless you know a lot about configurations of computers.

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Just to let you know, you can use same shadow value over and over just by clicking on FX in the layer panel and moving it to the desired layer. As a fact, you can use all of the layer effects the same way.

The other important thing with layer effects is option Scale with object. When it is check-marked, the layer effect will scale at the same ratio with the object.

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