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Vector Workshop 2024


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2 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Well, I took the quiz, and my score was 6/10. Oh, well, I'm working on it. 😉

I got 9 out of 10,

#7 wrong, I kept going back and forth and thought the one I chose was more important

I laughed at the answers from #4 - the last answer. 

it was a fun quiz to do.  I did much better from last year. 

Edited by Susan Ewart
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On 6/24/2024 at 10:00 PM, Mary Solaas said:

Lesson 6. I'm going to have to work hard on this path business.  It seems that I've forgotten a lot! With the Globe of the earth, I had to put another circle around the outside of the globe as the maps of north and south america are also open and thus a path. The leaf was interesting - made the leaf last year in the vector workshop and using it as a path this year, I fooled around with different picture tubes and finally settled on the stars. The letter - I had already worked with it several days converting text to a path and this time no problem. I used a string created earlier.

_Lesson 6a-1.jpg

Lesson 6a-2.jpg

_Lesson 6b.jpg

Mary you said you had to put a circle around your map to make a path for the planes tube, but have you considered to hide that path? Hide, not delete!

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2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

I got 9 out of 10,

#7 wrong, I kept going back and forth and thought the one I chose was more important

I laughed at the answers from #4 - the last answer. 

it was a fun quiz to do.  I did much better from last year. 

To add to the fun I had 8 out of 10.

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8 hours ago, Randy said:


Thank you so much for your lessons on Vector.

I like what I have learned so far and expect to review to get a better handle on what I have not "mastered" yet.

Everyone else,

Thank you for sharing your work.

Thank you for helpful input.

Thank you for encouragement by showing what can be done, and encouraging words to push ahead.


This is great!

And having something that I have learned that I can use in the future is really the best part.


Randy great that you enjoyed the workshop and even greater that you will be able to use what you have learned. When you use it you will getting better in doing it and discover new ways to use it differently.

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37 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Mary you said you had to put a circle around your map to make a path for the planes tube, but have you considered to hide that path? Hide, not delete!

@Corrie Kinkel Yes, I did hide the path of the circle. The green circle is part of the globe preset shape.

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11 hours ago, Doska St. said:


unfortunately, I can't make it to the workshop. I'm not feeling so well at the moment, and I have more challenges in my private life. And concentrating so hard on translating the video quickly tires me out. I'll continue doing it privately when I'm feeling better, without any time pressure. Because I'm very interested in these vectors handling. I hope these workshop threads won't be closed?

Take care, Doska, your health is most important. I don't know when Carole will do this workshop again, and I am sure Vectors will be here maybe next year, they are such fun to do, even when not going right.  Look after you first. Sending good health and love your way.

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12 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

Well, I took the quiz, and my score was 6/10. Oh, well, I'm working on it. 😉

Good for you, the result is feedback on what you may need to study. Maybe do as Corrie suggested to Susan, do the tutorials again in a few weeks, that way you can go over what you may have forgotten between doing the workshop and the quiz.

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I had another play with Day 7's vectors.
I knew I had used jellybeans yet my image didn't have the pretty colours I had used originally.
I searched through all my picture tubes and realised the one I had originally used was Easter Jellybeans.
Showing the Jellybeans first.

The Easter Jellybeans

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Completed lesson 7

A little confused using vector lays duplicated each looked the same.

Decided to rename the layers from the start which made things much better.

Then rearranged the order in which was done first, slicing the path then applying tubes seemed to work ok for me.

Anyway got the idea after a few attempts, practice, practice.


Quiz, I got 8 / 10

Can I ask regarding #1 how many different icons are there to identify the different types of vector objects.

What little icons and where are they?

I am sure this must be simple but not sure what you are asking here, I thought about Cusp settings etc, I guess a senior moment.

Lesson 7 ring.jpg

Lesson 7 T.jpg

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So sorry not to contribute before now as have had unexpected family commitments and only just managed to catch up. The first lessons I found quite tricky but got into it from lesson 5. Although the text on the path with the cat got  bit distorted even if I changed the size of the text.

Lesson5_text to path.jpg

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With the text on circle exercise, I got muddled up with where to double-click.

To Reverse Path double click on the actual circle path (not the layer).

To get the text to go under the circle, double click on the object text path Layer (not on the image) and select all.

Lesson5_text on circle.jpg

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Lesson 7. I copied the vector layer, removed the stroke and added fill and texture but have made the mistake of adding this on top of the inner bevel! Not sure how I could have achieved this properly.


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@Daniel Hess Those mugs look great. You will have a nice collection of preset shapes afterward! And that map!!! I am glad to see that the vectors are no longer scary. You have done a great job with that map!

@Susan Ewart You really went wild with those cut vectors! Great results. The Flower tubes are from the follow-up emails for the Flowers freebie. For the funny answer in the quiz, it reminds me of one anatomy class, where our teacher was always joking. One exam we had, the first few questions were "normal" but then, after that, he would have hilarious options in the multiple choices, even offering 12 choices instead of the typical 3-5 choices. The options he gave were so hilarious that we knew when a student reached that first funny question; everyone would burst out laughing when reading it.

@Alicia Garbelman Just for information, when you use some scattered picture tubes, you CAN reduce the step value for it and it will make the scatter denser. That is if you want that option.

@Mary Solaas The original VectorTube script didn't work on Text directly. The user had to convert to a path before running the script. When I took the script to put in the store, I tweaked it so the script would do that conversion automatically. I was getting frustrated myself in the beginning because I didn't know about that conversion. It is possible that you are using the original version from Gary. You might want to replace it by a recent copy from the store. You might not have to worry about the conversion anymore.

For the scatters, you can reduce the step to make it denser. Another thing you CAN do, is select outside of the leaves and delete the scatters that go beyond the shape. It can give a different look, depending on whether you like it or not, and also depending on the type of scatter.

@cindy harris The lessons will stay up until Sunday, June 30th.

@Randy You can check this article on Layer Styles.

@Trevor AndrewTo answer your question, check the video for lesson 1, at around 3:00. An additional icon is the Text icon.

@fiona cook Text on a path can often be distorted especially if the path is not regular (like a circle or an ellipse), so that is nothing you can do about it. The smoother the path is, the less distortion will be noticeable. For the text in a circle, it is not a double-click you have to do but a right-click. That is different too. Your lesson 7 looks good. I am not sure what issue you see on it.

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5 hours ago, Cassel said:

You really went wild with those cut vectors! Great results. The Flower tubes are from the follow-up emails for the Flowers freebie. For the funny answer in the quiz, it reminds me of one anatomy class, where our teacher was always joking. One exam we had, the first few questions were "normal" but then, after that, he would have hilarious options in the multiple choices, even offering 12 choices instead of the typical 3-5 choices. The options he gave were so hilarious that we knew when a student reached that first funny question; everyone would burst out laughing when reading it.

Thank you for the link to the flowers.  I'd have loved being in that class.  A sense of humour makes life so much less stressful.  it must've been fun watching the students, knowing what was coming. 

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