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Newsletter chitchat - October 10, 2023


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1 hour ago, Cassel said:

Autumn can be colorful in many places. 

Do you live in an area with colorful fall trees?

How about sharing a quick photo from your neighbourhood?

Let's chat.

I will start the ball rolling, with a coincidence.  I frequent Danielson Provincial Park, to cycle, hike or snow shoe, the trails.  The Trans Canada walking trail  also runs through the park. Today I went for a bike ride, taking the camera with me  to take some  colourful shots.  Mother Nature  didn't disappoint either.  The Park is a 20 minute drive away.  You can also see  Lake Diefenbaker.  Where I love to kayak the many isolated bays. This shot is a Panoramic shot.


Autumn colours  Danielson Park 10 Oct.jpg

Edited by Sue Thomas
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I do live in an area with lots of trees for gorgeous autumn colors. My neighborhood was built up from an area we have always called "the woods". Over the years I have taken many photos both in my neighborhood and elsewhere. Last year I did a whole album called "October Daily" with photos of the changing trees throughout town for 31 days. I planned on doing it again this year but will have a couple of days with no photos of the colors because of being in the hospital. Although I do include my birthday since that happens in October so that is one of those days... happy birthday in a hospital bed! I do have multiple photos from the morning before my surgery that I could use for the next day when I was still in the hospital.

Right now I can look out any window and see green trees, yellow trees, orange trees and trees in the process of changing! Also, lots of leaves on the ground. The trees started changing early this year and that means the leaves also fall earlier!

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7 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

I feel lucky to live in the Mid-Hudson Valley, NY, where our autumn trees are a big draw for the tourist trade. The "leaf-peepers" travel long distances to view our spectacular fall color palette. 


I love the photo, I like that the Mallards are also captured in the shot. I'm going to add my own personal opinion, which  my eye was drawn to firstly, and not the layout, or photo.   I don't want to  come across as being offensive, but my eye was drawn to the  black silhouette  flying  birds up in the right hand corner. Which didn't look right to me.   With the direction of the light source, the photographer would have had the sun behind him/her.  I would omit  those birds, but that is my  personal opinion, after all you are the creator. 

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One of my favourite Autumnal shots, take along the shores of Lake Diefenbaker, at Danielson Park.  One of my favourite masterclasses is all about  paper and element templates.  All the papers used were created using those templates.  For the frame I used several borders, and a selection of the photo, copied and paste into selection.

Framed Autumn page.jpg

Edited by Sue Thomas
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 Photo 1 was taken in the park close to my home today. Unfortunately no color explosion here. Only the chestnut tree turns a bit yellow. Some trees have already been blown dry. Photo 2 was taken on July 5, 2023. The northwest of the Netherlands was hit by storm Poly. In the small town where I live alone, 600 huge trees were blown down. Thousands and thousands in the rest of the area. They broke off like matchsticks. The storm lasted only an hour and a half. Police, fire brigade, people from the local green team as well and volunteers work hard together to get the roads passable again. And to this day, not everything has been cleared up. It was about 10 o'clock in the morning when the storm was at its worst. Our alarm app was blaring loudly. STAY INSIDE IT IS DANGEROUS OUTSIDE was the message.  A woman was killed when a tree fell on their car. My neighbors had a solar panel blow-off. 

IMG20231011142940 overbospark.jpg


Edited by Jannette Nieuwboer
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We also have the four seasons but at the moment it is still mostly green, the first trees are starting to color. Due to the very hot temperatures and dry periods we have had this summer, a lot of trees and shrubs have shed their leaves which were brown, dried and bristle and did so already in July and August. I haven't been able to take new photos yet, so the following are from 2 years ago because last year I just had my hip replacement operation and couldn't go more then around the block where I live and on crutches. Both photos are taken around the neightbourhood along a street and a little square. And I tried to do so without getting parked cars, pavement and traffic in the shots. 



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16 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

 Photo 1 was taken in the park close to my home today. Unfortunately no color explosion here. Only the chestnut tree turns a bit yellow. Some trees have already been blown dry. Photo 2 was taken on July 5, 2023On July 5, 2023, the northwest of the Netherlands was hit by storm Poly. In the small town where I live alone, 600 huge trees were blown down. Thousands and thousands in the rest of the area. They broke off like matchsticks. The storm lasted only an hour and a half. Police, fire brigade, people from the local green team as well as volunteers work hard together to get the roads passable again. And to this day, not everything has been cleared up. It was about 10 o'clock in the morning when the storm was at its worst. Our alarm app was blaring loudly. STAY INSIDE IT IS DANGEROUS OUTSIDE was the message.  A woman was killed when a tree fell on their car. My neighbors had a solar panel blow-off. 

IMG20231011142940 overbospark.jpg


Jannette je was me net voor met het melden dat we nog weinig kleur hebben. Uiteraard heb ik op de tv de verwoestingen gezien: wij leven in het zuidwesten en hadden nergens last van. Bizar the verschillen in zo'n klein landje.

Jannette just told that we over here are still predominantly green, which I also said and explained in  my post. And I said to her that we only watched the results of that storm on the telly because we live in the southwest of the country. It's bizarre those differences in such a small country. The distance between us is probably not more than 200 km, maybe 2 hours by car depending on the traffic.

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My mother wanted oak trees in the front yard. However, realizing that time was growing increasingly short, I talked her into two fast-growing maple trees. In their third year, these rich colors confirmed that fall was at hand. 

During my time living on the North Shore of Massachusettes, color exploded all around. Although there is no comparison, these beautiful leaves say, "I'm home."


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10 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Jannette je was me net voor met het melden dat we nog weinig kleur hebben. Uiteraard heb ik op de tv de verwoestingen gezien: wij leven in het zuidwesten en hadden nergens last van. Bizar the verschillen in zo'n klein landje.

Jannette just told that we over here are still predominantly green, which I also said and explained in  my post. And I said to her that we only watched the results of that storm on the telly because we live in the southwest of the country. It's bizarre those differences in such a small country. The distance between us is probably not more than 200 km, maybe 2 hours by car depending on the traffic.

As far as the weather is concerned, it has indeed been a strange year and much too wet. Not nice spring weather at first. Then much too dry in the summer. and now much too hot for the time of year. This was always reflected in nature.

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