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July SKETCH Challenge (2022)


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Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration, and trying to recreate projects we admire. Sometimes, we can be inspired by finished projects, but sometimes, we also have to use our imagination to interpret something.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to envision something from a "boring" base, and you will have to imagine the end result differently. The sketch is only a written idea, and you can fly with it, modify it, and customize it to fit your vision, your photos, your supplies, etc.




Those small rectangles on the right and the bottom CAN be photos, but they can also be just pieces of papers, or rectangular elements, or totally not-rectangular elements too. What will you do?


And if you want more information on using sketches, check out this article.

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hello Bonnie, really like your page .. you did a great job with the sketch


hello Sue, love your insect page and the photos are wonderful..  to get such close up photos is special.. did you take them yourself ?


best wishes to you both,



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April, thank you ever so much for your complimentary comment.  I always appreciate them, especially from seasoned PSP'ers, like yourself.   I  only ever use my own photos in my pages.  I have a passion for  the wonderful world of insects.  I observe, document, and  photograph them.  I don't have expensive camera equipment, sometime I wish I did,  but that would  mean  having  to learn  how to use it all properly.  My camera doesn't support  lenes, which is  what I wanted, but it does support  the Raynox,   macro conversion lens,  a small ring lens that I attach.  With a lot of  patience,  I'm pleased with  my photos.
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A couple of days ago I visited a botanical garden ("Heemtuin") in Rucphen, a neighbouring village, and of course took a lot of photos. For the word Heemtuin I used the reflection technique, one of the techniques explained in the masterclass Title Works 1 and I did so because the yellow flower is called sedum reflexum. I did not completely follow the sketch but adapted it to my likinig. The insects are from my stash and I don't know exactly but I think they were in a set by Creative Fabrica. The background is from a photo with a lot of blur and some texture. Instead of journaling I used the diamond slats on the photo to make a kind of arrow, but it has 6 slats!


Sue, thank you for pointing me to those mastersclasses and I see that you used another of the techniques on your text. It are very informative classes with a lot of simple techniques.

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Corrie, what a gorgeous layout  you created, the colours are fantastic, working together to make  a perfect marriage, within the photos, and  the layout.  I love that mirror text technique, prefect for water pages.  I've used it several times in my kayaking pages. I'm delighted to see that you are enjoying, and making use of those those masterclasses.  They were and still are some of my favourites.   When you get the time, I suggest you take a look at the Template Temptation masterclass, not being a scrapbooker, I  loved this masterclass, it also has some  very cool tips.  Also Texting again with PSP.
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Sue thank you, your comments mean much to me, they are very encouraging and I will take a look at that masterclass!


Carole I already tried your suggestion but somehow it did not look good. By rotating the photo, run the script as is and then rotating back again I get a distortion of the slats, especcially the main one around the important part of the photo. That is why I asked this question. Maybe it can work on a photo that has no specific focalpoint, but why using the slate script on such a photo!

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Hi, Dawn :)


I used glass effect for the litle rectangles. Raster 1 I added transparency


Hope the image layers helps to  get an idea

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