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Scrap Bootcamp - July 2022


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Carole, my compatibility mode was set to PSP X8.  I don't know why or how it was like that.  But I am a clumsy clicker sometimes so it is like I thought.  I did it and didn't know I did it.  If that makes sense.   No wonder the text tool was also acting weird in the box itself.  It was "blinky" and it hesitated when I'd type, probably trying to tell me, "change the compatibility mode you idiot".


Thank you for your help.  I was getting anxious every time I'd save something.

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I'm a bit behind on the bootcamp, because I went to Paris! So I thought it was fitting to make the second project Paris-themed. I used a photo of the Mur des je t'aime as a background. The flowers and papers and fonts are all from Creative Fabrica.
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I am on Project 3, and I'm having weird issues. My laptop crashed multiple times, I'm not sure why. Because she's so old, I tried on my partners pc instead. Still having some issues:

- When I selected the text "Dogs are the best - Everyone" to change the font, PSP kept changing the font of "Friendship" instead. The texts are on separate vector layers.

- I can't open "file" anymore, so to save as jpeg I had to use the shortcut CTRL + F12.

- Now I've saved my image, and there is a drop shadow on the text, but I never added a shadow! It seems that the shadow is added when I resize to 600x600 pixels, so maybe it is just an illusion?


I don't know what's going on, but PSP seems to be cursed today! Hopefully the next project will go better. All these issues aside, I loved the tutorial! I learned some new shortcuts and had never considered working with guides before to align the images like that.

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Lisa, when you add the text, check if there is a little (annoying) icon called "Remember text" to the right of the "Create as...". If it is clear, it has been toggled and will cause the text to always be the same as the previous time you used that tool. If that is the case, click on it to toggle it off. Then, try again.
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Project 4 went a lot better than Project 3! I'm personally very happy with the result :)


I especially loved the trick with holding shift and the erasor tool, so cool!


@Carol, the icon is toggled off. I think my file from project 3 went corrupt somehow, because nothing was working as it should!


Question: When you click an image with the Pick Tool, the mode is usually on "Perspective" for me. Is there a way to tell PSP I want it to be "Scale" by default?

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Lisa, that issue with the Pick tool is actually a bug. It should, in theory, stay to the last setting you used, but in 2021 and 2022, if you used the Ctrl key for another command while the Pick tool is active, it THINKS you are using it for changing the mode and often, it gets stuck there. Unfortunately, it means you have to check that every time you need to use it.
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And here is my version of Project 5 :)


When sizing down, the poem disappeared. I solved this by converting the poem to a raster layer, and then it worked fine! Maybe the issue I had earlier with drop shadows appearing on my text could be solved the same way. I think it's just a bug with my computer.


@Carol: Thanks, I didn't know that was a bug. Hopefully it gets fixed soon!


Thank you for this bootcamp, I learned a lot this week!

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As usual I am pulling up the rear, but I will try to keep at it! I am always so inspired by the beautiful work that everybody in this group creates. Thanks to Carole and everybody for sharing your work.... Oh yes this is a Rhododendron & a happy bee enjoying the bloom on one of my shrubs.
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I signed up for Bootcamp in hopes that it would jumpstart me after the loss of my brother a few months ago. It has definitely helped! I decided to use some photos of him when he was 15 years old. He was training ahis pony named April, she was later teamed up with another pony to pull team. My brother's adventure was very successful. I will share more scrapbook pages in the future. Carole's Rusted Alpha was just what I was looking for to accent the page!
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I'm still playing with that ZIG-ZAG paper trick!  My layout features my pirate grandson, and I used the scrap kit, "Ahoy There Mateyz", created by DeDe Smith from "3 Scrapateers" from a long time ago.  I used Cassel's glitter paper (TY) to make the 'frame' and then added an inner bevel.  What a fun way to spend Sunday afternoon!
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I'm not sure if this is the way to respond to your comment, Cassel, but I'm going with this!  I knew you were going to catch what looks like a missing shadow on the bow/frame but that was one combined element and the frame does come with a shadow already attached.  I think there is a shadow there; but very faint.  (I'll look again at the scrap kit to be sure.)


Thanks for your help/guidance, Karen

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Mariana (#79908), yes, that tip for text will save a lot of users' sanity because it is so frustrating when you find a typo, days or months later and everything is rasterized without any way to edit. Keep it up.


Susan E. (#79909), glad you figured it out.


Kasany (#79920), here are a few pointers for your page: look at the elements, and imagine they are made of paper. Can they be layered the way they show? I see, for example, on the Concentration page, the little squares on top and they should be flat on the paper and have a frame on top of them, not the other way around. You can easily adjust those in the layers palette, just like when you were playing with the sandwich.


Harmony (#79924), that is one trick. Another one I tend to use is to simply activate a raster layer; then it will automatically create its own Vector.


Joyce (#79950), I am glad this bootcamp proved helpful to you, whether it is from the feedback I share with everyone, or from others' questions and submissions.


Lisa (#79951), that is such a cool page. You might have to work a little harder to catch up, but I think it is worth that trip you took (and you will let us visit with you?). (#79954) Using the guides can be a great time saver and it can give a "neat" look when you can align elements and photos. (#79959) Yes, I love it when users discover little tips that are just simple yet super creative like the pinking edges. (#79962) This is one of the particularities of the wrapped text when you resize. The text does not actually disappear, but is just outside of the canvas and not resized. There is an article that explains that HERE.


Nancy (#79964), good start. Will you be able to submit four projects by tomorrow night? :)  (#79968) Sorry for your loss, and if working through the Bootcamp gives you some relief, that is an added bonus for me.


Karen (#79971), that is a great way to use those glitters. I am sure you can find many other opportunities to use them so keep them on hand! (#79972) It does happen that designers will create elements that have some shadows in some places and not in others. Once you notice those details and see that you won't be able to add a proper shadow, you might either need to work around it and create something manually or choose not to use the element, if the work is too hard to make sense.


If you already have submitted four projects, you are already entered in the random draw, even if the fifth project comes in later. The random draw will take place tomorrow night, and the winners will be contacted afterward. Keep an eye on your inbox.

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Well, I haven't managed to finish four projects, but I've still learned a number of useful tricks in this bootcamp, so will sign up for the next one...hopefully I'm less busy then!  Thanks for running these, Cassel. I'm going to check out your tips and tricks book, too - I think that could be really useful for my on-going scrapbooking efforts.


These are pics that I have taken of some of my childhood memories - in this case, a few of my favourite t-shirts.  The idea is that if I store the memories digitally, I can actually let go of the physical items, instead of storing them in my 'office' (aka storage area!).


I do have a couple of questions that came up for me while I was doing these projects.  If someone has answers, that would be greatly appreciated, please and thanks!  (I originally had 3, but you answered one of them re how to create individual picture borders, Cassel - thanks!)


a) When using the Pick tool to resize, is there a way to have it default to Scale?  Mine always defaults to Perspective.

b) What print size does 3600*3600 equate to?

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