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Scrap Bootcamp - July 2022


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Welcome everyone to our July Bootcamp. For all the newcomers, you will notice that I will add a comment on all your posts. Since I do see all the posts as they are added to the thread, if you run into any problem, just call me out and I will come to your rescue as soon as I can :)


Susan E. (#78924), welcome back to the Bootcamp.


Jannette (#78930), welcome to the Bootcamp. (#78955) I don't know if it would help you, but we have a few members who are usually setting up their PSP in their own language, but they find it easier to switch it to English to follow tutorials. Do you have English installed, just in case?


Suzy (#78932), glad to see you in the Bootcamp. At least, through the monitor, you can spread that COVID! Take care of yourself anyways. (#78951) Interesting that you don't like to see all the colors. I am the opposite: I like to have all the colors available! But that is the beauty of customizing one's PSP to what suits you.


Ann S. (#78937), I guess repetition is good practice. How many times have you gone through this Bootcamp? (#78962) It is so much fun seeing Magic grow up, from one layout to another.


Marie (#78960), welcome! If you get stuck, don't hesitate to drop me an email. I will do everything possible to help you. The reason I recommend using the Complete workspace is that some commands are NOT present in the Essential workspace, and it would prevent you from following some tutorials.


Anne B. (#78966), yay!!! you made it!!! Welcome!


Kasany (#78967), is it ok for me to call you like that instead of the whole displayed name? I am sure you will be the only one!


Andrew (#78970), you will have avid fans if you showcase this happy dog!!!


Susan (#78986), looking forward to seeing more of those cute faces!


Donna (#78988), happy to see you have already customized a toolbar. That is something I won't cover in this beginner bootcamp, but definitely another way to customize your workspace.


Gerry (#78993), you are definitely not the first one to mention how little tidbits of information seem new every time one goes through the same tutorials. Looking forward to what you will learn this time around.


Harmony (#78997), welcome to the Bootcamp. You will see how much more there is to PSP than what we typically use. It is a real treasure chest!

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Hello everyone.  Sorry I’m a little late to this party!  It’s been a long time since I played with my PSP 2018 edition and I’m a little rusty.  I’m answering my email off my tablet but my PSP program is on my computer.  Guess I’ll have to switch to using my computer to participate in this bootcamp.  ??I’m hoping once I get back in the PSP groove it’ll all come back to me.  Time will tell!  I’m looking forward to meeting you all.  Now, I will attempt to upload my photo. ?


oh, I decided to stick with my dark gray workspace and will use the materials, layers and tools pallets.  I also like to work out of the organizer.  (Geez,  it almost sounds like I know what I’m doing ?!).


rats….the photo won’t go.  I get a file extension error message—-needs to be resized?  I’ll try again  using the computer, tomorrow.

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Ah, thanks!  I was in a panic! Thanks for the quick save! LOLOL!!!


( I looked for other “Classic” workspace preferences, but didn’t see anything.)


I did change my workspace color after seeing Susan’s and Andrew’s workspaces.


I *just* downloaded an image from Corel on all the shortcut keys….I already use a lot, plus the control Y for “do it again” you taught us, but I wondered if there might be other ones I could use.  I haven’t gotten to the Shift + ones yet, LOL!


thanks again,



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Here is my workspace.  I like it dark and have the organizer and learning centre palettes closed to give me more space to work.  This is a windows snipping tool shot.  I've still yet to figure out how to do a screen shot with PSP.  It's not high on the priority list.  Now I must get my photo's organized.  It's some flower shots but mother nature has been conspiring against me.  I am shooting this project with diffuse light from overcast skies and the when the perfect time comes I am either heading to work or I get all set up and then there is a thunder/rain storm.  I finally had to take it inside to my studio and shoot some of it with continuous light.  Nice to see the familiar faces and welcome to the new faces.   I'm sure I will learn lots from all of you.  this is my 6th time through the bootcamp. I really love doing it and like Gerry, I keep learning new things and am inspired by all the layouts I see.
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Here's a screenshot of my workspace. I decided to fiddle to see if I could do this and it's easy-peasy. Go to File/Screenshot, click Start (PSP will minimize), re-open PSP and right-click and voila, there's your screenshot  image. I had to reduce the size for posting here.
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Hello to all of you,


I'm back again. Someone know me from other workshops.


Like I'm trying some scrapbook-pages I'm not sure if I understand it what I've learn. So I like to start from the beginning of all and here I am.


My first will be a statue from the garden of Castle Sanssouci in Berlin.


Edit: BTW The pictures may be some kind of confusing but it's from the resize to 1000x1000.

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My name is Lisa and I'm from Belgium. I've been working for over a year with PSP now, but there is so much I don't know yet. I already learned something new in the first lesson, I didn't know about Auto-hide!


I like the dark colours in my workspace. I think I'll use the Auto-hide for my palettes, because I have a small screen and I like to maximize my workspace. I also added the Overview palette. As for my photo, I think I'll mainly use pics of my dog Archie.

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Here is my sandwich, I added a table cloth for my own personal twist :)


I have a question about having your pics in windows instead of tabbed. When I double click a window, it becomes big, which is nice, but then my other windows seem to be gone? In the screenshot the table image is big, and the sandwich image is still opened in PSP somewhere. If I activate 'tabbed documents' again, I can see all open images, but that seems a bit cumbersome. How do I easily switch between different images?

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Lisa, when an image gets maximized like that (often by accident), check on the top right corner, just under the "close" for the program, there will be similar icons and those will apply to the open image. Click the middle one, and it will restore to where it was.
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(379017) Ann! You are brilliant!  I did 1/2 the instructions, no wonder why it didn't work.  Here is my  *New*  *Improved* screen shot.  the photo is mine, of my friends painting (1 of 6) that is currently at a gallery showing.  My hubby and I have to dismantle the show of her paintings this weekend, YIKES!  The canvas' are about 4.5 feet x 6+ feet and mounted to the wall then framed out.  Putting them on stretchers was a too expensive for the price of wood these days and they have to be mailed back (to Quebec where she lives) in tubes.
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Lisa: What I do is go up to Windows and Uncheck Tabbed. Then each image will have its own window. Each image can be minimized to the bottom where it's accessible for further work or most times I just scale them down small so they stay open but not "underfoot" ( ;-) ) Hope this helps!
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Today's lunch at the cafe is similar to everybody else's. A nice plaid tablecloth lined the tables. Since I'm not a coffee drinker, I opted for my favorite drink, Dr. Pepper with ice. My sandwich was good, I asked for mayo on it, as you can see it peaking out. And I asked for my pickles on the side. I was very satisfied and will come back here again! 5 Stars!



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Well, I finally finished and this turned out to be a bedtime snack instead of LUNCH!  Thankfully my hubby was here to help with the UNZIPPING of files.  I was dead in the water, stuck!  Once I started playing with this project,  my past PSP experience started to come back (guess it's like riding a bike!)  Anyway, I couldn't stop.  It was a great way to spend the last 4 hours!  Now I have to work on my SPEED.  See you next time!
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