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  1. Today
  2. Correct. It is not a bug, but just a little oddity of the function.
  3. I thought I would try the split page technique using text today. I'm not thrilled with how the text came out, but it was my first try. The main font is Jean Jingga and the journaling text is Jezebel Pro. The background is from Peakpx. I had to merge all the layers before reducing the size to 600. Otherwise, the journaling text disappeared. I think others have mentioned that it happens when the text is in a selection.
  4. Yesterday
  5. W = Water I know, I know. But that's the first thing that popped into my head. 🤪
  6. Thank you, Corrie. I had always wanted to go to college but didn't get there until we sold the drive-in theaters. The degree was for advertising and publishing which was my first love. I'm still working those skills with the marketing and advertising for the theater to this day.
  7. WOW Ann you did this rather late in your live and it shows we are never to old to learn something new! Did you take this for your work with your family's open air movie theater?
  8. V = Vallisneria an aquatic plant used in aquariums, there are a lot of different sub species but all the names start with Vallisneria.
  9. I reworked the Corel graduation freebie to show my graduation back in 2000 from SUNY. Art is from their website.
  10. I'm trying to make myself do something every day. Here's today's try. Can you guess what year I graduated?
  11. This is "Willow Poppy". I created a layout about the baby shower which was titled, "Willow Poppy". Her "real" name is Matilda Jean, AKA Tilly. She had a pretty tough start in life but is now home with Mom and Dad and learning to enjoy life.
  12. Last week
  13. I think that too because before the update I was able to use the warped text! An update that solves problems but created a new one is not what I like😠
  14. Lovely Ann and with all those great-grands you never are short of a topic to use! ☺️
  15. Thank you and I'm quite charmed with this studiolight option on my iPhone, it is the first time I used it. Normally I have my settings for taking a portret picture to the default normal light, but the iPhone I have let me change the lighting options after taking the picture. It is a setting I will explore a bit more on a suitable photo that is.
  16. I created this for the song challenge but thought I would post it here also. John Denver Sunshine on my shoulder. The picture in the center is one I created from a screenshot from the Explore Audubon Boat House Osprey Nest Mother and two chicks.
  17. John Denver Sunshine on my shoulder. The picture in the center is one I created from a screenshot from the Explore Audubon Boat House Osprey Nest Mother and two chicks.
  18. Ann Seeber


    All projects not included in workshops, etc.
  19. I am also quite captivated by this photo. You can see so much detail in the part below the bloom. It's so interesting.
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