
Theme – Hair

Last year, we had amazing set of themes per month. Now, it gets more interesting as we start our first month of 2017 with hair as our theme for January.

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Theme – Writing

Although scrapbooking is often about photos, it is mostly about stories. You can write stories, you can type them, you can print them. But did you ever create a scrapbook

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Theme – Games

When it comes to entertainment, nothing beats good old fashion games you can play with the whole family. Good clean fun is what it is and it comes in many

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Theme – Renovations

Whether you own your own house or condo or farm or even just rent a home, renovations are part of life. It could be as little as a new coat

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Theme – Garden

As summer is getting a bit cooler, nature will soon be getting ready for its dormant winter (at least, in the Northern hemisphere). But throughout the summer, many people tend

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Theme – Baby

Having a baby is a gift. It is a beautiful, life-changing event. For this month’s theme here at Scrapbook Campus, let’s look at the many wonderful and precious digital scrapbook

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Theme – Music

Whether you are musically inclined or not, music is all around us. We can actively reach out for music activities like joining a choir or playing an instrument, but we

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Theme – Water

Water is essential to life and in our daily lives or wherever we go, chances are you’ll encounter a body of water. When people go on vacations, a lot of times

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Theme – Pets

Pets are quickly becoming part of our family. Different people are attracted to different kinds of pets: pets with fur, pets with feathers, pets with scales, walking pets, flying pets, swimming

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Theme – Transportation

As we go about our daily lives from past to present and with technology advancing, most of us likely have photos during our travels where we are capturing moments while

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For Photos That Matter