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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Day 3:


    I have been spending a good bit of time walking in the woods. I guess I don't make much noise (by myself) and the deer are also quiet. Sometimes, I am as close as 15 to 20 feet. I love watching them. The does are pregnant...babies (fawns) will be here soon...


    Now off to try Day 4. Text on a path always gives me a fit!



  2. After. Create text with black outline. Duplicate. Change copy to white outline. Convert to raster. Back to original. Fill and take away the stroke. Convert to raster. Lower transparency. ...as best I can remember. From this point move on to texture effects on the copy, etc.
  3. Hey, Mary...Love your GOLF. Yesterday, my project was doing what yours is doing. Drove me crazy. I thought it was the font...no.


    Finally, I restarted my computer...turns out it was waiting for a restart to finish updates. After that everything worked. I also realized I had forgotten the step convert to raster...that was probably the problem. I went to bed exhausted but I finally got it to work...after convert to raster.

  4. Hi, Carole,


    I'm not sure about the bottom text...since I wrote it, I know what it says...it's hard to tell if it is hard to read. It is a very thin font. Maybe I should try a different font to see if that would help. I have a friend who is very critical about fonts and her first critique is, is it easy to read. The resize could have effected it too.




    Everyone, beautiful work.

  5. My computer and PSP have been acting up all day. I can't get my pick tool to work on the titles I create. Seems to work on other things. I finally got something done. I really don't like the scrapbook page. Next time I'll give more thought to the fill color...it just doesn't show well on most background layers.
  6. I just posted and my post disappeared. Here it is again...hope it doesn't turn up as a double post.


    Recently I posted a page of my niece and nephew overlooking the river...I haven't been there in a very long time so I decided to take a walk...about 1/4 mile from my home. I plan to do more pages on this topic but here are two I have completed.

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