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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Hi, Minka! Sorry to hear about your computer. I do not like to get a new computer and figure out the new stuff. Unfortunately, it is a necessary evil. Glad you found one you like.


    I love the Penny page! TYSM. She is a neat cat, for sure.


    I will see what I can come up with for your page. Again, thank you for a neat Penny page!

  2. Oh, my goodness! All of you are rocking the creativity. I see so many unique pages and techniques. I love coming here to see what you are creating. Lynda, love the shoes and masks! Michele, you are always welcome to join us for pickleball and/or ice cream...after Covid, of course.


    Karon, love all of your elements...I don't use many elements...something I need to do more...I'll follow your example. Love the chicken wire and the perspective page.


    Betsy, I didn't see the eclipse either. Wish I had. Your pre-eclipse photo and page are great. I love looking at the moon and would visit if I could...at my age, that's not happening.

  3. Yes, I am playing pickleball...in a very small group...all of whom are being extremely careful. Two of our players are at very high risk and cannot be around large groups. I keep forgetting that my age makes me high risk also...which means all our members but one is high risk. Sandy is one of our players who is very high risk. On June 30 she was not playing so when we saw her approaching the court, we thought she was coming to play. She didn't have her paddle but she did have a cooler. She had gone to our favorite ice place and purchased ice cream for each of us. Nice surprise and wonderful treat!


    The mauve page was created using a collage from Better Homes and Gardens. They do not seem to have the collages available now. I searched and searched so I could link them...they are not there. The second page is the latest template from Bourico Casper and is available on her blog: https://lady22.eklablog.com/template-6-2020-a188687044 .

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