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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Q = Quarantine (2008)


    Thought this title was appropriate at this time. I found this on Google.


    "When a news reporter and cameraman follow strange noises in the middle of their assignment, they realize there’s an unusual virus outbreak in the locality and it has spread inside one of the buildings, affecting several people, who are now quarantined inside. The horror movie was received with mixed reviews but fans of the genre appreciated it for the way the subject was handled and for its thrill quotient."


    This is movie # 15 in a list of must see movies beginning with Q. Think I'll skip it.

  2. Just posted these on FB...


    Sunrise photo taken and shared by a friend...New Year's Day.


    Betty made her list of wishes for her 89th birthday and 3 of us fulfilled her list. Beautiful day.


    Pickleball serves...begins the game. Everyone has a serve slightly different. Since I can't play pickleball right now I'll scrap it.


    My friend's daughter hiking in Colorado.

  3. Oh, my goodness, Everyone, you make me so proud...beautiful work.


    Couldn't stand it any longer so today and last night I played...Already going stir crazy so, of course, I had to find some pickleball somehow. I saw a graphic on Pinterest I thought was funny...a basketball graphic and I decided to change it to pickleball. Have you ever heard teachers are licensed thieves? I am a retired teacher all during my teaching years, I would see an idea, steal it, change it and voila I had a bulletin board. This is sorta what happened with this page. I wasn't comfortable with what the original graphic said...so I changed it...

  4. Schools, churches, community centers, gyms are closed. We are being asked to distance ourselves from others...essential errands/trips only. Many are working from home. Many restaurants are serving drive through only...no dining room. My bball tournament/trip was canceled; the play I planned to attend was cancelled; my pickleball clinic/trip was cancelled. So....I am cleaning house, preparing taxes and trying to find a moment to scrap.


    I am extremely grateful for my health and fitness level. My age puts me at risk but otherwise no problems...and I minimize the risk because of age. I did not panic buy and am staying home even tho I really don't want to.


    Everyone be cautious; stay well; and scrap, scrap, scrap.

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