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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Beautiful work, Annie...as usual. I love the way you find photos on the web if you don't have the photo you need.


    My road trip was last January from Virginia to Florida. Pickleball related...ambassador's retreat. I used the template from this month's lab but turned off a bunch of layers. I also tried the kidnap alpha part of the Lab lessons. Didn't like the first one I made and changed the colors. Works much better with my page. My friend, Helen, is in the photo with me. She and I played basketball together for years. She is 10 years my junior and eventually I moved up to my own age group. In senior competition you can play down if you choose. She is my "boss" in the pickleball world and a breast cancer survivor. She gifted me the shirt I am wearing. We are both Alpha Females so we do butt heads on occasion. Still we are friends. I will attend the retreat again January, 2020.



  2. Sharon, you are not alone wanting pickleball to be in the Olympics. It takes time to get that done but there is an effort being made.


    Michele, if you go to USAPA.org and click the places to play tab, then search the area you live, you should find lots of places where pickleball is being played. You should be able to drop in to watch. Also pickleballtournaments.com will help you find tournaments in your area for more competitive play. Most pickleball tournaments are free to watch.


    Yes, I always share my pages with the subjects. Thuy loved her page.


    Ladies and Gents, I've said it before and I will say it again...it is a real pleasure to be a part of this group and be able to witness the beautiful art being shown here! Thank you.

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