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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. What a great story, Minka! We trap them and relocate them...not really allowed and we haven't done it in years. They love cantaloupe. We called animal control to get one we had trapped...we thought they would relocate it...not! They killed it because they are such pests. Never called animal control again!
  2. Another pickleball page...and yes, this is the same Sandy who brought ice cream recently.


    Template: Miss Fish Photo Frenzy Summer #4.


    Thank you for your comments about Poppy. You know I love her...she is unlike any cat I have ever known...but I love her.


    I am going to have to try the split photo...I like the effect...great work, everyone!

  3. I love coming in here to view the amazing work...creativity supreme. I learn something new every time I visit. Thank you, all, for sharing. My mojo has been absent lately...probably Covid related. Here's my latest...about Covid changes.


    I'm pretty sure you folks know I love ice cream and visit ice cream places frequently...with friends in tow. Nathan's is one of our favorite places. Local, small business, very popular. Covid changed things and it did with Nathan's. The long lines still exist but everything is very different. No tables, no lingering with friends, no Bessie. We now take chairs and sit in the shade, if it can be found, to eat and visit. I think Nathan's did a great job putting all the protections in place.

  4. Hey, Shirley! Congratulations! No Covid is huge!


    I'm not sure my fellow American's will ever get there.


    I'm in for this challenge. I may need to take some photos or use photos again...that would work, wouldn't it?

  5. I have thought of printing my layout, Carole and Cristina, but never have...I don't need anything more laying around...but it would be fun to share at our parties, etc.


    Thank you, all, for your kind words.


    Everyone! Incredible creativity. Love each and every one!

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