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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Wow! Once again, I am blown away by the incredible work being created here! Thank you, Everyone, for sharing your creations!


    This is a photo of my friend's wife when they were much younger. He is a fabulous photographer. I created the background and frame from her clothing.  Isn't she beautiful?!

  2. Last night there was a knock at the door...I live on a gravel road, 1/2 mile long with 6 homes...not a lot of knocks or doorbells, especially at night. My neighbor had been at a local shop handing out candy canes and stopped by on his way home. He lives one house down. I think he makes a great Santa. Do you? The rhyme was written by me.
  3. YMW, Annie...I found it on the web as I searched for my X word. I thought of Xmas immediately but didn't want to use it. After reading that, as you know, I used it.


    Z = zzzz...got to get to sleep so Santa will come.

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