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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Our pickleball group has become a small gang. We decided to have a rumble (tournament) for our group only. We called it Rumble In The Park. This is my first page about our rumble. I'm sure there will be more. Two of our members participated along with their son and grandson. Four other grandchildren were in attendance and acted as court monitor, ball chasers/gathers and cheerleaders. An amazing, fun-filled day for all! Gang colors are blue. Template: Miss Fish, Left and Right 1_04.
  2. Day 6 was difficult for me. I didn't want scary looking snakes on my page. Finally decided on rocks since we threw them at the snake.


    The text reads:


    My parents and I often went to "The Lake" to swim and fish. There was a public park which gave us access to the lake and picnic tables. One such day I was playing in the water and having a great time. My parents called me out of the water and I knew there was something different in their voices. Amazingly, I came out...I didn't always without repeated requests.




    They had seen a large water moccasin swimming toward the shore...right where we were. It came out of the water and my Dad began to throw rocks at it. I joined in because in my young mind, I could help. Each time a rock bounced by the moccasin struck at it multiple times. Dad and I continued to throw rocks at it until finally it was dead.




    Shortly after that a family with small children came running from the parking lot to the water. They ran right over the spot where the snake would have been. All they were thinking was a great day for water fun. Thankfully, the snake was not able to spoil their fun.




    I don't like snakes. Never have. I am frightened of them but have learned to tolerate their presence at a distance. I do not want the venomous ones around but I can accept the non-venomous ones. They do their part for the balance of nature.

  3. Thank you, Lynda!


    Ann, I love your story. Sports do enable us to find and form friendships...sometimes quickly.


    Here is my Day 5. I think Day 6 will be more difficult...I am thinking about doing snakes...or maybe heights.

  4. I don't know what I was thinking last night. I posted this Day 4 before it was completed. I deleted it and am now reposting.


    I sure am enjoying these stories you folks have shared. Carole, this challenge has certainly sparked a trip down memory lane. Thank you!



  5. Carole, you got me to thinking because I have never met another "Brimm". I Googled it and this is the start of what I found. It seems to be a surname mostly. I found businesses and history.


    "Brimm History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms

    Origins Available:


    Brimm is a name of ancient Anglo-Saxon origin and comes from the family once having lived in Gloucestershire, where they held the manor and lands of Breme in the village and parish of that name. It is from the manorial name from which the family name is derived. The name Breme meant fierce, or vigorous."




    Early Origins of the Brimm family

    The surname Brimm was first found in Gloucestershire where they held a family seat from very ancient times, some say well before the Norman Conquest and the arrival of Duke William at Hastings in 1066 A.D.

  6. Ann, your daughter is fearless! Good for her!


    I have enjoyed reading everyone's stories. Very interesting...a good read. Thank you, Everyone, for sharing. I have Day 2 ready, Day 3 almost complete and Day 4 and Day 5 waiting until creativity strikes.


    Great work, Everyone!



  7. Wow...I wrote an entire post and it disappeared. If this posts twice you'll know why.


    Ladies, as usual I am impressed with your creativity. I loved reading your stories. Here's mine and in case it is too small to read, here's the text:


    I am the first born. My parents named me Bonnie Brimm. Bonnie because my mother liked the name and Brimm because it was the middle name of my paternal Grandmother.




    I hated the name Brimm. There is a sunfish called Bream


    (pronounced the same) and my friends teased me about being a fish. I hated that. I have a friend who still calls me fish and I still don't like it. I love to fish and have caught many bream...ate them too.




    Everyone told me I had a beautiful name and I didn't think so. It took me a long time to like my name but now I do.




    When I was a teen, Bridget Bardot became a big star. Everyone teased me because her initials and mine were BB. Again I was embarrassed but now...no big deal. I use BBB a lot and even, at one time watermarked my creations B-Cubed Productions. It is silly how we think as young people. Thank goodness we have an opportunity to grow up.




    I was born and raised in South Carolina and it will always be home. I have lived in Virginia more than 50 years but South Carolina is home. I had a history teacher who taught us to love our home state and my classmates and I sure do! Miss Daniels would be so proud.

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