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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Yes, I used Google.


    Z = Zamia Furfuracea


    From southeastern coastal Mexico.

    To 3 feet high, 6 feet wide.

    Short, sometimes subterranean stem.

    Fronds to 3 feet long, usually much less; have as many as 12 pairs (usually fewer) of extremely stiff, leathery, dark green segments to 412 inches long, 1 12 inches wide.

    Segments may have a few teeth toward the tip.

    Best in a fairly sunny spot, but with protection from hottest midday sun.


    They are slow growing and costly, but with good care will last for many years, both indoors and out. Short trunks (may be completely or partially beneath soil level) are usually marked with scars from old leaf bases. Trunks are topped with circular crowns of leaves that resemble stiff fern fronds or small palm fronds.



  2. I used a template but I have changed it so much...you would hardly recognize the original template. Template by Miss Fish, Left and Right 1_03. The signs read in part:




    I am old, as old as can be,


    I am estimated to be 400 years old you see


    I've got to be very attractive


    Because the surveillance on me is active;




    My limbs are hollowed but you can't


    tell, because my bark keeps me looking well;




    I don't like it when you lean, pull, sit,


    Stand or climb on me, also your purses,


    Cameras or anything that would damage me;




    I ask you just admire and let me be!




    I want to live as much as 900 years


    Because that is my life expectancy.


    So you can gently rub me, you can


    Gently hug me, you can gently kiss me,


    And if you try to do anything else I've


    Got someone who will tell you!






    The Angel Oak Tree is estimated to be 300-400 years old. The life expectancy of an oak is approximately 500-700 years. An oak rots from the inside and is fragile as it becomes older.


    Tree height: 65'


    Circumference: 25.5 feet


    Area of shade: 17, 000 square feet


    Largest limb: circumference, 11.25 feet/length 89 feet"


    The Angel Oak is on St. John's Island in South Carolina, my home state.



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