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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Hello, Everyone! Long time, no see...I have been a real slump...I am blown away by the creativity and talent I see here. Thank you for sharing your genius.


    This is my friend, Rob, and his family. He works for Compassion International. The bits of paper (colors and images) on this template were taken from a mural on the wall behind Rob and family.

  2. Our second Rumble In The Park was delayed by rain. Players went home and returned with squeegees, leaf blowers, towels and blankets. With a lot of pulling, pushing and blowing, we had a fun-filled tournament and day. I hope to create more memories of the tournament.
  3. As everyone has said...beautiful creations here! I have enjoyed your trips and creativity. I have been in a slump and just couldn't get going. I did manage Day 1 and Day 2. After that there was no motivation, no mojo, no nothing. Yesterday I created each days' addition, date stamp, post card, stamp, leather tag but I still can't seem to work up the interest to finish the trip. Perhaps it is because I have created many pages about the trip already. Any way...here's what I have.
  4. I did this challenge before...I should say I signed up for it...only completed a project or two. I hope to do better this time. I don't travel a great deal so I may need to do a couple of trips to complete the challenge.
  5. Hi, Susan...thank you for your kind words. I have been on a template kick lately. They give you a good start, then you personalize them with you own papers, elements, photos, etc. Sometimes if you saw the original template and then my finished product, you wouldn't be sure I had used the template...like I said, it is a starting point...you go from there. There are also free templates from time to time on the web.






    Carole has a couple of Master Classes on using templates and includes a template each month in the Lab. A Diamond membership gives you all that and much more. When you are ready, give it a try...you might like it.

  6. Annie recently said, "Bonnie I see that you are branching from your beloved pickelball ." I told her I was working on a page...here it is. Template from Lab 11 06 as are two of the fonts used. Sure is good to feel the grip of covid loosen. Wonderful to see friends again!
  7. Karon, I am so sorry to hear about your DIL. Holding you, your son and family in prayer.


    Thank you for your comments. Like Annie...always appreciated.


    Where in SC? That is my home...I live in Virginia now but South Carolina will always be home and first in my heart.

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