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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Barbara, Lacrosse is one game/sport I haven't tried. Wish I had had the opportunity when I was younger. I think it is great that you grandson plays!


    Sandra, love your colors...great kids!


    Corrie, love your colors too...Both pages pop!


    Sue, what can I say...your pages are awesome! I have visited Maine several time and never seen a moose...barely missed one once...but missed him nonetheless.


    Ann, your vacation looks like it was tons of fun...great layout!

  2. Great work, Everyone! It is amazing how different each page can be using the same template.


    Laurie, Poppy and Penny are so afraid of everything...they yowl and yowl when in a car. That's how we know if they are really sick...they don't yowl. I would love to take them places but it wouldn't work.  I'll just have to love them at home. Last time I was away it was for 8 days. They were glad when I returned...for about 10 seconds...then it was back to normal.


    Thank you for you comments.


    Raymond, Key West is on my list...never been there...maybe one day.


    Laurie, beautiful photos and one very talented daughter!


    Jean and Ann, you have beautiful families...and lots of fun too, I'll bet.

  3. Sue mentioned and shared pages she created in 2018. I checked to see what my folders held and I discovered that I had completed the challenge but I don't think I shared them. Nothing has been resized...so...I will share both...2018 and 2021. So far, I have completed only Day 1 for 2021.


    These are from 2018. Fewer pictures of Penny because I had not had her long.

  4. Template by a soon to be designer at Pixel Scrapper. She offers lots of templates. This one was difficult because, IMHO, there were not enough layers. Of course, you know me...making tons of modifications.


    Lucy Kitcher is a pickleball pro and a Brit. Tons of fun on this trip, even if Penny didn't want me to go!

  5. I am, once again, blown away with the creativity of this group. An inspiration in everyway! Way to go, everyone!


    I have posted these layouts on Facebook but have procrastinated posting here...not sure why...I just need to get my backside in gear.


    This was a template...Bourico Casper at Pixel Scrapper...template 28...




    I do enjoy her work!


    This is Poppy strutting her stuff with 3 of her tricks.

  6. Thank you, Laurie and Corrie. It's amazing to me how some changes can make such a big difference. Sometimes even a small change. It was fun working on this layout. I didn't set out to create 3 pages...just took on a life of its own.
  7. I had a photo of a river so I googled "walk by the river" and found this song. I had already decided to use Carole's template (rotated) and built my layout from there.


    As I worked, the project evolved...taking on a mind of its own. I ended up with 3 projects and am not sure which one I like best so I will show you all three.

    The song is "Walkin' By The River". One artist who recorded it was Ella Fitzgerald. The chorus is, "I'm walkin' by the river "cause I'm meeting someone there tonight!"

    Walkin' By The River

    There's dew upon the ground

    And not a soul in sight;

    I'm walkin' by the river

    'Cause I'm meeting someone there tonight!

    I hear a distant sound

    I see a far-off light;

    I'm walkin' by the river

    'Cause I'm meeting someone there tonight!

    The murmuring waters say

    There's no time to delay

    So hurry on your way, my friend!

    If you don't get there soon

    There may not be a moonTo guide you to that happy end!

    My heart is riding high

    My blues have taken flight

    I'm walkin' by the river

    'Cause I'm meeting someone there tonight!

    My heart is riding high

    My blues have taken flight

    I'm walkin' by the river

    'Cause I'm meeting someone there tonight!

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