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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Oh my goodness...you folks never fail to amaze. Wonderful creations!


    I told you about my cats doing tricks...thought you might like to see more.


    Template by Chantahliadesign. https://chantahliadesign.com/ She makes tons of stuff and when she creates a kit she does the kit in many colors from which you can choose. The papers and elements are from Pixel Scrapper, Shelter Pet and You Can't Buy Love But You Can Rescue It by Melissa Riddle

    Furry Friends by Sheila Reid


    Poppy is the tabbyco. Penny is the tuxy.

  2. I visited the Old Country Store to shop and checkout their monster milk shakes. Since we ate lunch. OCS sandwiches are also huge, the monster shake was out of the question...we did enjoy a "normal" shake. There was a special offering that day...a side of bacon...great price and some of the best bacon I have ever eaten. We split the bacon and mine is "sleeping" in the freezer. I take a little out at a time, cook it and then eat from it for several days. I'll take more out when I am ready for more.
  3. I just posted this in the Sketch Challenge thread.


    I have been trying to scrap Thanksgiving, 2020 since Thanksgiving Day with now luck. This sketch opened the door and the layout just fell into place. The two young people are my adopted niece and nephew. I have known them since their birth and they are now independent, working adults.

  4. Val, I also think it was a stroke of genius to place your photo in all frames.


    I have been trying to scrap Thanksgiving, 2020 since Thanksgiving Day with now luck. This sketch opened the door and the layout just fell into place. The two young people are my adopted niece and nephew. I have known them since their birth and they are now independent, working adults.

  5. Love it, Minka! Saw a mouse the other day as I was cleaning out the garden...he was scurrying away which was fine with me. I don't mind them being outdoors...like you...they need to stay away from my home.
  6. Michele, it began with Poppy, the tabbyco. She loves grass and will do anything to get some. That was her motivation. She is a smart kitty but it's the treat and especially grass. Fresh, soft blades of grass. Penny spent the first several years on her own pretty much. She was very thin when she was rescued. She will do anything for food...and grass. She watched Poppy earning treats and taught herself the tricks. In fact, she is often faster than Poppy to perform and receive a treat.
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