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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Corrie, I love this! A hot air balloon ride is on my bucket list...


    Ann, I love the spider page...you put it together so well.


    Minka, love your ski layout. I have been snow skiing once...we don't get a lot of good skiing snow in Virginia or South Carolina...I grew up in SC and was 14 the first time I saw snow.


    Sue, beautiful page. I have not been real successful photographing insects but I also haven't spent much time trying.  Thank you for sharing all you nature knowledge!

  2. X = Xmas Cake


    Xmas cakes are as you can assume, eaten in times of christmas. The unique property of this cake is to add brandy, rum, or whiskey to keep the cake moist. It also has many dried fruits inside, this way the fruity flavor gets combined with the alcohol, creating an amazing taste to warm up your belly after eating it. Yum! Just what I need on a snowy winter day.


    I imagine you can tell I C&P from the web.

  3. Last lesson, Day 11, The Great American Pickleball Marathon. The text reads: "


    Do you remember where you were 20 years ago?


    Most of you likely were not on a Pickleball court.. I certainly wasn’t. I was in my first grade class.. until about 10am when I was sent home.


    My 6 year old mind couldn’t quite comprehend the magnitude of what had happened. My life , directly at least, didn’t seem to change much.. but thousands of lives changed forever.


    What I did notice , were the years of patriotism, unity. For a time, it seemed (at least to my privileged eyes) that politics and divisiveness took a back seat to the Stars and Stripes .


    I grew up in a city and decade where I was proud to be an American . The past few years that sentiment has seemed to have faded a bit.


    Now, there are plenty of challenges facing our country: differing views of progress, social justice and equality , a pandemic , wealth inequality, distrust in our government, the list goes on.. but I’m optimistic and hope that tomorrow , WE (as Pickleball players) can set aside our differences , and focus on our similarities.


    Let’s remember that infamous day 20 years ago. Let’s use that memory and our love for Pickleball to unite us.


    Take a minute out of your day tomorrow and go to




    and join us in our great American Pickleball Marathon supporting the Wounded Blue and First Responders .


    Paddles up , America !"


    Photo is of soldiers and firemen hanging a flag from the roof of the Pentagon. I found it on the web.

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