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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Cicadas are singing louder each day. I really enjoy the sound. These are the 17 year variety...they emerge every 17 years. We don't seem to have as many as we did 17 years ago. For some reason they are called Brood X. The large X was a place holder for the template but it served a better purpose for this layout. I downloaded a picture of a cicada...my photos don't show the true colors. I took all of the colors for the layout from the cicada...except the green from the grass. The photo on the lower left is not mine.


    Template by MFish, August Sampler 01.

  2. Anne, love the word art. I haven't worked up the courage to try yet...


    Sue, love the frame and the layout...and they white tail deer...they are a favorite of mine.


    I must have sat for 20 minutes watching this bird. I love hawks, even if they hunt other birds/songbirds. I couldn't get close and these photos are the best I could get with my point and shoot camera with telephoto.


    Template by Tinci, Ceaf 76. She has a facebook page.

  3. YMW, Michele. I love Lady 22's templates and use them fairly often. I have been on a template kick lately. I also make lots of changes. Templates are a springboard to get me started...pretty soon I am off on my own way. Love your swimwear layout. I used that template recently.


    I agree, the campus is exploding with new folks which is wonderful. We learn so much from each other...the more the better. It does make it difficult to comment on each project...I've been feeling a little guilty because I usually fail to comment on each project...time to let that go. I love being here and I love the creativity of each person.

  4. Mountain Laurel grows wild but can be found for sale in nurseries.


    I copied and pasted the following:


    This shade-tolerant North American shrub has gorgeous flowers that bloom in late spring and early summer. A close relative of rhododendrons and azaleas, it’s an excellent choice for a shady garden. It’s also evergreen, so even after the blooms have faded, its leathery deep green foliage provides a welcome sign of life. Even in the coldest winter weather, when rhododendron leaves have curled in on themselves, mountain laurel remains bravely open to the elements.


    Mountain laurel was first recorded growing in the wild in 1624 and can be found on rocky ridges and mountainous forest areas as far south as the Florida Panhandle, as far north as southern Quebec, and as far west as Indiana and Louisiana. In spring it can be seen blooming abundantly along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina and, closer to New York City, in the forests of upstate New York, notably near Lake Minnewaska, in Ulster County. It is the state flower of both Connecticut and Pennsylvania.


    All parts of Kalmia latifolia are poisonous if ingested and can cause severe digestive upset and other alarming, though usually nonfatal, symptoms such as weakness and paralysis. Not all animals are affected—deer, unfortunately, are apparently immune to any ill effects and can be vigorous consumers of mountain laurel foliage.

  5. Ann, when I began digital scrapbooking I created 10X8 pages. At that time Costco would print and 8X10 for $1.50. I used Costco to print many pages. When I came upon Pixel Scrapper I began to think about 12X12 and now that's the size I use. I don't use my home printer to print pages...however, Costco has raised their prices and their quality has diminished.
  6. Template R from Inspiration here in the Campus...lots of changes. I did create the twill ribbon and journaling strip...only one strip. The ring and straight pin are from Pixel Scrapper. The diamonds are from cleanpng.


    The Mountain Laurel here is absolutely amazing this year. Some bushes are 12-15 feet tall...and covered in blossoms. We haven't had Mountain Laurel like this in years!

  7. Template B from Inspiration in the Campus.


    More pickleball; more templates.


    We played in a larger group last weekend for the first time since Covid began. It was so wonderful to see friends we had not seen in so long! I love this group photo...had to scrap it...twice!



  8. The frame in this page is the lines of a pickleball court. Irina is one of my favorite women pros. I had the pleasure of taking a private lesson from her. None of these photos are mine. I snagged them from the web. They were all taken at the US Open.
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