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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. The US Open was last week. It claims to be the biggest pickleball party in the world. The subject of this layout is the winners of the pro women's doubles gold medal. Their win is something of an upset as they defeated 2 of the top female players in the world. While we love and support all our players, this has caused some excitement in the pickleball world. The Open is located in Naples, FL...thus the template.

    None of these photos are mine...they were snagged off the web.

  2. Carole, the 2018 pages were all done for the 2018 challenge. Somehow, I never shared them. Yes, I think day 6, 2018 is missing shadows...good catch.


    Day 4, 2018 is not ready to split into 2 pages. I also think I would work on highlighting the photos differently to help them stand out. Day 5 cannot be split without dividing photos either.

  3. Jean...you posted while I was posting. I love your page! If you would adopt me, you could take me fishing. I have fished all my life when I could...not very often, I am afraid. Thank you for sharing this fun page!
  4. You folks never fail to amaze. I love all the pages/pets/birds/flowers/trips/weddings! Thank you all for brightening my day.


    I will post some of my pages. Remember, I have never posted my 2018 results for this challenge...I got off course on some of the pages...that may be the reason I never posted...I really don't know but I didn't report a single result. South Carolina Senior Games. I played pickeball singles, doubles, mixed doubles. My friends played doubles and horseshoes.



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