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Everything posted by MoniqueN.

  1. What font did you use, Ann? It's funky(?), but a bit hard to read too??
  2. @Corrie Kinkel It isn't my first time either, but as you said easy projects once in a while are nice to do too ?
  3. @CasselNo, they were stationary, enamel flowers on iron sticks ? @Corrie Kinkel I like Carole's idea of unboxing ?
  4. Cute butterfly is the font, photo taken in Wijhe, the Netherlands ?
  5. Image taken at a castle in Wijhe, the Netherlands. Font is Cute butterfly?
  6. Art in a convent garden in Elburg, the Netherlands. I added a frame, because the picture faded a bit in the busy lay out.
  7. Congratulations great-grandma! ? All is well with the family?
  8. A colourful object in Elburg (The Netherlands) Font is Creep crawlers. Photo is my own ?
  9. W- words/sentences in my poetry album from my dad
  10. Maybe, when it was only green, it wouldn't been as nice as it is now! What a fun project to do ?
  11. I agree. ? I made all the photo's etc. to the size needed, hid them and added the photo's one by one and then the elements. Especially the short stitching, where to put it??
  12. ? I found this "Golden oldie" in my cassel workshops folder today? July 2020?
  13. I have never done a DIY ,but it was fun!?? It's a bit busy for my liking, but it isn't "ugly" either ? The font is Creepy crawlers (?) And Marisa Lerin was my elements source ? During the bootcamp we learned (again) how to put edges around the photo's, that worked fine. (I completly forgot how to do that, I just added mats when I needed a border. ?
  14. Very nice lay out, the occasion isn't. Sorry for your loss.
  15. The font is Veni and arial. Kit comes from Marisa Lerin 1000 papers kit. The tea elements were in my stash.(Pixelscrapper, Marisal- England)) The font wasn't suitable to replace one character of, as was showed in the video. I couldn't figure out to use or notuse a shadow on the teapot,cake as it looks like a stamp ?‍♂️ Photo was taken at the showgardens in Appeltern last sunday. ? It was nice to participate again, some things I forgot, so was a good reminder. ?
  16. Tomorrow the last one with lesson? ? I have the day 10 one I saw,but no lesson ?
  17. Oh! It must be in my spam folder then, will have a look ? Odd ?
  18. Was day 10 the last of this series? In 2020 we had one lesson to go? (Looked in my Cassel folders and there was one more project in 2020 ? )
  19. If you would like to print your lay-outs, you can go to a printservice/photobook service. They are a bit expensive. But my printer is a good one, so I could print with book quality. But then , how to make it into a book without a photobook service? Laminate the pictures so they won't damage? Or use thick photopaper and a device to put spirals in it? Or use cardboard for a cover and then spirals? How do you do that with your projects??
  20. The flower is now on top, just like it has been thrown there. ?
  21. It looks like your looking out of a window in a cabin. Love it!
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