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Everything posted by MoniqueN.

  1. I'm having a bit of trouble finding the best background colours..........especially when you want consistency, but maybe I have to let it go a bit.?
  2. Mooi subtiel qua kleuren ook!
  3. What a different lay out this is! Like it!
  4. am-intex would be a wonderful font to use with this flowery lay out? Nice font to use
  5. Sing me a song of a lass that is gone?
  6. What an beautiful photo you used! ?
  7. I was lucky to have the old templates in my stash so I could start inspite of the wrong link in the mail ? I'm working on 3 magazines and will see which one will be the one I will finish ? One Outlander, one about my granddaughter which I can't show and one of our holiday which ended 3 days ago.
  8. I just wanted to congratulate you with the 12 years of Campus. We are celebrating our holiday here in our country, so not at home/ at the computer, I only openend my laptop to add two projects to the dozen subject.? I have learned so much here!!
  9. MoniqueN.

    Campus Dozen

    Basic scrap course  1 One of my favourite projects from the basic scrap 2020
  10. MoniqueN.

    Campus Dozen

    This was one of my entries Greeting card workshop 2022 Greeting card workshop
  11. Hi all I started this week with day 1(duh), that one is finished, but the templates provided, are mostly vertical and my photo's mainly horizontal and haven't got the energy to look for other templates, so I will skip this workshop ? I have seen wonderful lay outs just now, always fun to see how everyone makes complete different projects ? Keep up the good work! ?
  12. Sorry to read about the recent losses of Ann and Julie.........virtual hug from here fo you both!
  13. Oh, I love this one, good idea to use both sides of the M! ?
  14. C -collect teeth ( in a special box mostly)
  15. What an idea to use only the teapot!
  16. And part 2 Tea! The picture tubes as they are on the "line" are sometimes a bit apart, because of the spoons ? Tea font is named woodcut ?
  17. The weather is terrible at the moment over here, so my lesson 7 is about that ? The picture tube is from the pSP 12 ultimate content. I had a bit of trouble picking the "star" even when I enlarged my project.
  18. This seems to work, that is the only button I didn't "dare" to try ?
  19. This thread is so active I can't keep up (been busy), so please don't think I don't appreciate all your work!? I'm trying to catch up wit the lessons. I wanted to add text on the middle part of this project on a new layer, but the text won't move to the spot I want, so I left it out now. But I don't understand why the text can't be moved? Edit: worked after merging layers ?
  20. My text tool remembers my previous text, although I clicked on it not to remember. This happens since I did Vector workshop lesson 6 and even on new projects my "old" texts appears again. I have been looking/searching for days how to change this, but I can't find it??
  21. Lesson 5 part 2, text upside down Text says: I'm upside down. Picture from the internet. I wanted to have the top of the b and d against the green layer, otherwise I would of been inside the circle. Have to practice this once more!
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