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Posts posted by MoniqueN.

  1. 2 minutes ago, Cassel said:

    Make sure the Mode didn't change. Often, if you "miss" the right point, it will change Mode thinking you want to draw some more. Make sure it is still in Edit mode.

    Thanks! That was it! ?

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  2. 2 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    Here's a project I've been working on the last few days as a remembrance of a friend that passed away last week from a malignant brain tumor at the age of 43. He and I are part of this rather large Facebook group that were fans of pop culture and started with Game of Thrones. We're all devastated at the loss of Ray. We knew he was not in the best of shape, suffering total blindness, but the end came quicker than we anticipated. We had been recording book readings for him as a way to stay in touch. I gathered all the photos my friends were sharing on their individual posts for his friends and family (we call it our Fandom Family). I used the cass-hanging photos script because I had 12 photos to showcase. The background is from a photo of a chalk drawing one of our group did at a convention in Europe. I had two photos of Ray, alone, and tried out the new Corel engraving-brown script on them. After trying the saturation layer effect I was quite impressed. I'll let you see the originals, also. I spoke to Ray on the phone a few years ago, before he got ill, as he was looking into moving to my area. R.I.P. Ray Fiore, you'll be sorely missed. ?

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, the font is Cabin Sketch.


    Ray Fiore 2020_600.jpg


    Fandom is Family_600.jpg

    Sorry for your loss, 43 is to young...........

    • Thanks 1
  3. A friend of mine, also a Cricut machine owner, sent me a "how to" YouTube video of Stained glass cards. Today I've been trying to make them myself. The round one I couldn't find a template for, so made it myself ? It is a print and cut layout/template. You print the picture and the machine cuts it in the right size,  the rest of the template will be cut too. I'm happy with the result ?

    stained -600.jpg


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  4. 21 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Here is the promised layout of the unboxing of my album with the photos from my recent trip. It is just a simple page with a background of old letters but a bit reduced in opacity. The book arrived last Saturday and I took some photos when it was laying on our dinner table. The font is School and College outline, fitting for this album, hence some American embellishments. The sticker at the bottom is by Carole, a freebie long ago.

    Now I first have to clean my workspace, even a digital one becomes messy, at least mine if I'm working on a Workshop and doing other things besides that as well. I have to organize all the photos from my trip and name all the flowers in the photos too. I think the rest of this week will go into that! So don't expect much activity from me; at least this week's challenge about a layout with a story is not a favorite of mine! That is another one I'll skip.?


    Deze aanbieder ken ik niet, zal er eens naar kijken.

    Ziet er mooi uit!?

    • Thanks 1
  5. 5 hours ago, fiona cook said:

    Got there eventually and decided to keep to the same colourful theme of street art. I have replicated some of their artwork and used the 'Art Group' Picture Tube for extra decoration.

    It has been a fun workshop and has been good for practicing PSP with basic templates as well as good for the creativity. Thank you Carole and thank everyone in the forum for their ideas and comments. Now back to training for my hike!


    When you see this project, at first it looks a bit busy, but I really love the colours, the different art photo's and the over all look of it!  Never thought so many colourful photo's together would look so nice!?

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    I first got to know about it when we were in Switzerland, where our daughter lived at that time and it is a German program. I bought my first copy over there in German and updated until it stopped working with Windows. It was easy to work with and you could make great cards etc. I was really upset when it stopped!

    I didn't make cards with it, but I think I designed my first garden with that program ? And a database for recipes? Don't remember exactly ?

    • Haha 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    I sold all my glass studio tools and supplies when we moved to where we are now (almost 10 yrs go we moved), and last year I sold all my silversmithing tools and supplies to buy a new camera.  It's like the pre-pre-downsizing.  I chose photography and PSP to be my hobby going into that phase.  Glass/jewelery took up a lot of space.  Now I laugh because I have a photo room that is too small, and another studio in the basement for paper supplies, for paper art, photo props (huge amount taken up with this0 or whatever.  More purging to go, I want a nice streamlined studio.....that is about size of an aircraft hanger! (that might not be enough?) .

    With so many hobbies you just need a lot of space, sounds familiar??

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