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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. So much fun looking at all your works. Too much to write a word about everything, also because English is not my native language, but it's nice here, to share so much with each other. Thank you Carole for making this possible.


    QP6 and Extra6.

    Photo's are for the first time not of me, but are free stock photo's.

  2. so nice to learn from each other, and to gain inspiration !!

    I made this from QP 3 and 4 and the QP extras.


    For QP3 extra, I used the color changer again to adjust the dark blue, red and yellow a bit.

    With QP 4 extra, I used the adjustment layer hue/saturation/lightness, to add some color I placed a pink flower above the flower, and clicked again with the color changer with pink in the green heart

  3. (#76784) Thank you Pirrko, to change the color of the extra QP 1, I used the color changer tool, I chose a green color from the photo, and clicked with the color changer in the blue area, and that was the result !


    (#76881) Thank you Jnet Allard for your nice comment about my QP 2

  4. Hi everyone!

    I always enjoy seeing what the other members are making, and there is always something I learn from

    These are the QP from day 1 and 2 and the extras

    The gray cat belongs to the neighbors who often visit us on our terrace, the other cat, I noticed in a field during a walk.

    The photo of day 1 is my daughter's birthday when she turned 2.

    The butterfly is an old photo also taken during a walk.

  5. I, the continuation of my alphabet album. Because I didn't have any self-made pictures yet, and it was difficult at the moment to make my own, I used google street maps for the pictures. For this page I used a template from Carole that we received during the template workshop
  6. for the background I used the photo and converted it with pic to paint. I used a texture on the three surfaces and made two of them  transparent. I made of the black layer a mask. I duplicated the mask group three times.


    it's a bit busier than what I'm used to, but it's a creation of the moment, had a busy day, but a nice day, that will reflect in this creation I suppose.

  7. Happy Birthday Carole! ?


    I hope you have a great day. Thank you for your gifts in the store, like Cristina say, it's your birthday and we are getting the presents. Thank you for everything you teach and give us with such passion.

  8. This photo is from 2009. This is the neighbor's cat who came to visit us regularly.


    I selected colors from the photo to create the gradient. Green from the eyes of the cat, green from the leaves, two shades of gray from the fur, and pink from the ears.


    Background filled with this gradient and 2x Ghausian blur applied to it. Noise applied to the bottom layer, texture to the top.


    Carole's corner punches, for photo editing Lab 10 Module 5, Photo Cutout


    The Wordart is a free download, but I don't remember from where.

  9. Finally I have also continued with my alphabet album about the city where I live, Leuven, in Belgium.

    this is for the G.


    I'll put the text here as well, so it's easier to read.


    The Grote Markt ( translation: the Big (large) Market)

    is located in one of the most historic places in Leuven and has existed in its current design since the 14th century, when the Catholic University of Leuven was founded. Most of the buildings on the square are built in the Brabant Gothic style, such as the monumental town hall.


    Other striking buildings on the Grote Markt are the Tafelrond, the Collegiate Saint Peter's Church and a few guild houses. In addition, as in the whole of Leuven, there is no shortage of cafes and taverns here. In contrast to the more trendy, youth-oriented businesses on the Oude Markt, the Grote Markt has a more traditional-looking catering industry.



  10. thank you Sue for bringing it to my attention  (#74993)


    Corrie I use google translate, it works very well, but from the explanation I did not understand that I first had to create a ribbon or lace or whatever separately. Now with Sue's explanation, and now that I've seen the video my euro has fallen, as we say here ?

  11. Not everyone my age has much or little knowledge of English. Especially manuals that deal with specific things are not always clear when it is in another language.

    Some people my age  have never worked on a computer, and don't start doing so until they are retired

    It's different for the younger generation, of course ?

  12. Thank you Sue and Carole for looking at my problem.


    Sue, your comment That the element has to be completely horizontal to begin with, that's the answer I was looking for. What should I start with before I run the script. With the link to the video with the lace bruches it is now super clear! I had in mind that I had watched a video somewhere where the mitered corner was explained, but I wasn't sure anymore and couldn't find it anywhere.


    Carole, to use the script then is very clear indeed. Follow the prompts and it will work by itself, very good script, I actually didn't manage to formulate my question clearly, but Sue gave the answer


    I am someone who always reads the instructions, but it is not always obvious when it is written in a language other than your own, and sometimes 1 misunderstood word confuses everything


    With the link to the video about the lace bruches, it has become completely clear


    Thank you!! now i'm going to practice a little ?

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